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Safety Tips

Fire Extinguishers at Home
Ten Winter Fire Safety Tips
Seven Deadly Safety Sins
Electrical Appliance Safety
Smoke Detectors Work
Fire Safety for People with Disabilities
Reduce the Risk of Electrical Fires at Home
Gasoline Safety Tips
The Children's Safety Zone
Test Your Fire Safety IQ
What to do when lights & sirens approach
Overloaded Electrical Circuits
Summer Safety Tips - Ahh, Summer

Test your fire safety IQ


Fire kills thousands of people in North America every year, most in their own homes. Most of these occur needlessly. Understanding the dangers of fire, how to avoid them and how to react when fire occurs will lessen the chances that you will become a victim. In taking this fun quiz it is our hope that people will learn something about the cause of fires and change they way they respond when they occur.

The answers are at the bottom of this document.

1. What is the number one cause of home fire fatalities?

a) Smoking materials
b) Cooking equipment
c) Lightning
d) Heating equipment

2. Where do the majority of fire related deaths occur?

a) School
b) Work
c) Home
d) Vehicles

3. Which of the following time segments account for the largest number of home fire deaths?

a) 6PM to midnight
b) Midnight to 4AM
c) 4AM to 10AM
d) 10AM to 6PM

4. In what room do the largest number of home fires start?

a) Recreation room
b) Bedroom
c) Kitchen
d) Utility room

5. Most fire-related deaths result from burns.

a) True b) False

6. If a fire occurs while you are asleep, the smoke will awaken you.

a) True b) False

7. If your clothing were to catch on fire, you should:

a) Run to the tub or shower
b) Call the fire department
c) Stop, drop and roll
d) Put baking soda on it

8. If a grease fire starts in a pot on the stove, what should you do?

a) Escape and call the fire department
b) Pour water on it
c) Slide a lid over the pan
d) Turn off the heat

9. If you receive a burn while cooking, what should you do immediately?

a) Smear butter on it
b) Run cold water on it
c) Apply ointment
d) Pack it with ice

10. In what season do the largest number of home fires occur?

a) Spring
b) Summer
c) Fall
d) Winter

Answers: 1a, 2c, 3b, 4c, 5f, 6f, 7c, 8c & d, 9b, 10d




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