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Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Communications Center
Urban Search and Rescue Team
Dedicated Fire Protection Systems
Preparing for Disaster - Tips for the Public
Disaster has struck! What do I do?
Emergency Response Team Training

During An Earthquake


There will be a lot noise related to the seismic activity. It may be similar to the sound of a freight train roaring past and it could last for several minutes or only a few seconds. Fire and burglar alarms may be activated. The building may sway, creak and groan.


there could be some violent shaking or some sudden thumps. Light fixtures could sway and furniture will shake and start to creep across the floor. Tall, unsupported bookshelves and filing cabinets may topple over and unsecured items like televisions and china will fall from their displays.

The lights may go out! Fire alarms may activate!


When the shaking starts do not try to get out of the building. Crawl under a strong piece of furniture like a table or chair, cover your head and hold onto the item you are under. If there is no furniture to crawl under, crouch against an interior wall and cover your head with your arm. If you are in a doorway make sure you wedge something in the jam so the door doesn't close on your hands. Avoid doorways if possible. A book will work quite well. If you are in bed, curl up and cover your head with a pillow.

If you are outside a building, get inside the doorway out of the path of falling debris, broken glass and dislodged facia.

Try to get to an open area away from power lines and areas that may become covered with falling debris.

If you are in your car, pull over to the side of the road and stop, away from power lines and trees if possible. Stay in your car.

Identify safe spots in your home and office where you might seek shelter in the event of an earthquake. Secure hazards that could cause injury.


© 2005 City of Vancouver

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