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Babysitting fire safety tips
Before the parents leave the house, make sure that both the babysitter and the children know the fire safety procedures. Parents should review with the babysitter the fire escape plan with alternate exits and the designated meeting place outside once everyone has escaped the fire.

Plan ahead. Know how to get the children out of the bedrooms if smoke or fire blocks the front or back doors. Make sure you know in advance what all your escape options are.

Parents should also verify that all smoke detectors are in working condition. Insure that at least one approved smoke detector is installed and operating near the sleeping area. Check that the home has a functioning carbon monoxide detector.

In case of a fire, sound the alarm, yell "FIRE" as loud as possible. The babysitter should get the children out of the house first, then call 911 from the approved neighbour's home. The babysitter should then call the parents to let them know where the children are. The babysitter may then go back outside to direct the firefighters to the fire if they need to.

Smoke kills. Shut doors to stop it from advancing. If possible, close the door to the area where the fire is. DO NOT attempt to extinguish the fire, but rather attempt to save a life.

To help the children escape injury in a fire, make sure the children are familiar with fire safety tips. Show children how to crawl under smoke low to the ground to get better air near the floor. Check all doors and doorknobs for heat before opening them. If their clothing were to catch on fire, stop, drop, and roll, to extinguish the flames. Under no circumstances are the children to go back into the house once they escape.

In the kitchen, smother a pan fire with a lid. Never use water.

You and the children should wear tight sleeves during meal preparation. Loose-fitting clothes can catch fire.

Keep matches and lighters locked up and away from children.

Babysitters do not smoke on the job.

Safety covers are placed on all unused electrical outlets.

Loose cords are secured and out of the way. Multiple cord or octopus plugs are not used (They may overheat and cause fires).

Flammable liquids must be securely stored in their original containers.


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