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On this page:  Searching the Site  |  Quickfind - City Alternative to Searches  |  Contact Us  |  Broken Links

Searching the City of Vancouver Website

Use our search engine to find what you are looking for.


QuickFind Inquiries is a City Alternative to Searches

QuickFind is the major source of referral information for the City of Vancouver, and is an integral part of the City website. QuickFind is a web-based application developed by the City of Vancouver's Information Technology Department and Reception Staff.

Inquiries, Directory and Organization all draw on a common database.

QuickFind Inquiries

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about City government and services

QuickFind Directory

Who to call, email, or fax at City Hall.

QuickFind Organization Chart

How the City is organized to deliver services. Also see hierarchical organization charts.


Contact Us

Comments or questions about this site? Send us an e-mail:

Broken Links

If you reached this page by clicking a link on the City of Vancouver website, contact our Web Management Team and give them the details of the broken link. Please send the exact address of the page [ See sample help ] that contains the bad link (you can do this by clicking on your Back button and making note of the browser bar HTTP address.)

If you reached this page by clicking on a link not located on the City of Vancouver website, please contact the webmaster at the site from which you arrived.
