Canada Economic Development
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Advisory committees for an even more effective partnership with the regions

A joint study by the Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS) and the Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development (CIRRD) points out that governments have to show greater flexibility, depending on the region, in applying policies and programs which influence the competitiveness of communities and regions (INRS and CIRRD, The Periphery in the Knowledge Economy, 2002). Also, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), governments are increasingly turning to partnerships with civil society and the private sector to promote sustainable economic development.

Indeed, it is often at the local and regional level, where economic agents are closest to problems and people, that needs are seen and solutions formulated. So it is important to foster closer links with those individuals, and to involve them in the development of joint regional strategies, adaptation of policy to the regional context and establishment of initiatives stemming from shared priorities.

Moreover, the targeting of priority niches or sectors maximizes communities' development since it helps focus stakeholders' efforts on the same goal and facilitates joint action. It is conducive to mobilizing stakeholders and stimulates investment, thereby contributing to the diversification and economic growth of the regions.

In this perspective, the Minister of Canada Economic Development intends to foster Agency business offices' ongoing dialogue and active co-operation with regional economic agents and partners by setting up advisory committees. The expertise, knowledge and credibility of these advisory committees will thus be harnessed, particularly in selecting intervention priorities and key niches or sectors.


All regions of Quebec.



The mandate of the advisory committee is to advise the Minister on developments in the region's economic situation and needs, on policy and priorities that may be favoured by the Agency, and on the selection of niches to be targeted. The Minister may also entrust other mandates to the advisory committee.


The advisory committee generally consists of a chairperson and from four to six members appointed by the Minister and residing in the region served by the Agency's business office. The majority of these individuals come from business circles or from Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs), Business Development Centres (BDCs) and other economic development organizations in the region. Moreover, they are recognized in the community for their knowledge and their involvement in regional development.

Term of office:

Members are appointed for a maximum term of two years.


  • The advisory committee reports to the Minister.

  • The chair of the advisory committee submits members' recommendations and advice to the Minister.

  • The regional director of the business office provides support for the advisory committee in his region.

Financial compensation:

Advisory committee members' participation is unpaid. As required, however, reimbursement of travel, accommodation and meal expenses may be allowed, as per Treasury Board Secretariat policy and standards.


Members shall protect and ensure the confidentiality of any information disclosed to them in the course of the advisory committee's work.


The advisory committees will enable the Minister to have external advice at his disposal concerning the diagnosis of the regions' economic situation, steps to be favoured by the Agency and means to be implemented in order to reinforce regional economic development. As well as constituting a source for feedback from the local milieu, these committees are intended to facilitate more sustained, ongoing dialogue with regional economic agents and partners, and to promote greater visibility for the Agency in the regions.

Priority niches by region


Last revised: 2006-10-03
Date published : 2006-10-03