Alzheimer Society of Perth County

Wandering is a common behaviour of individuals with Alzheimer Disease or related dementia. They can become hopelessly lost anywhere, even on the front steps of their own home.
A detour or wrong turn can set up a panic reaction that blocks all sense of direction, time and purpose. All familiar routes and landmarks are lost to the person affected by Alzheimer or related dementia. The result is wandering.
The Stratford Police Service actively participates with the Alzheimer Society of Perth County. The Stratford Police Service along with other Police Services in the area assist in maintaining a Safely Home Wandering Person Registry.
This Registry is a compilation of information including a description and photograph of the person registered and is intended to assist Police in locating this person should they wander.

The Registry is:

  • Confidential 

  • Voluntary

  • a Safety measure

  • Available to all potential Wanderers both in the community and in Long Term Care Facilities

  • Updated annually

  • a one time registration fee of $25.00

How do I register?
Care givers are encouraged to contact the local Alzheimer Society and register the family member who suffers from Alzheimer Disease or related dementia.

Copies of the registration form are distributed as follows:

  • Alzheimer Society of Perth County 

  • Local Police 

  • Care Giver

  • National Alzheimer Wandering Registry

For information contact

Alzheimer Society of Perth County 
206 Ontario St., Stratford, ON N5A 3H4
Telephone (519)271-1910

Fax (519)271-1231                                                                   

Toll Free 1-888-797-1882