Nova Scotia - Emergency Measures Organization

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How to Avoid Becoming Lost

There are a number of things you can do to keep from becoming lost:

  • Tell someone where you are going and when you intend to return. Ask that person to contact authorities if you do not return when expected.
  • Learn how to use a map and compass - and take them along.
  • Wear brightly colored clothing so you'll be seen more easily.
  • If you require medication regularly, take along an extra supply. If you wear contacts or prescription eyeglasses, take an extra pair with you.
  • Never travel alone. It is best to travel in threes. That way if one person is injured another can stay with him/her while the third hikes out for help.
  • When you hike, look back periodically to identify landmarks for the return trip. Also be on alert for possible shelters and escape routes.
  • When hiking, stay on a trail because it's the safest way to travel through an area.
  • Be sure your children use a "buddy system" while outdoors.
  • Teach your children how to build a temporary shelter, how to signal for help, and other essential survival skills.

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