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Pesticide Emergencies

Pesticide Poisoning

Recognizing Poisoning Symptoms

Family members, co-workers, and applicators play an important role in noticing when someone may be poisoned, providing immediate first aid, or calling for help. Anyone living or working on farms where pesticides are used should be aware of the symptoms of pesticide poisoning and what to do should a poisoning occur.

Pesticide poisoning may be obvious when a person is exposed to very high levels from an accidental spill or splash. However, pesticide poisoning is often hard to recognize because the effects vary from person to person, the symptoms may be similar to those of other ailments (flu, cold, hangover, etc.), or symptoms may not appear immediately.

Pesticide poisoning can happen from one short exposure (acute poisoning) or from many exposures over a long time (chronic poisoning). Both acute and chronic poisoning can exhibit mild, moderate or severe symptoms.

General Symptoms Which Might Indicate Pesticide Poisoning [top]

mild poisoning moderate poisoning severe poisoning
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • weakness
  • fatigue
  • nervousness
  • loss of appetite
  • thirst
  • nausea
  • irritation of throat and nose
  • eye irritation
  • constriction of pupils
  • blurred vision
  • skin irritation
  • changes in mood
  • loss of weight
any mild symptoms plus any of:
  • abdominal cramps
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • excessive salivation
  • constriction in throat and chest
  • abdominal cramps
  • rapid or slow pulse
  • excessive perspiration
  • trembling
  • muscle incoordination
  • mental confusion
any mild or moderate symptoms plus any of:
  • inability to breathe
  • chemical burns on skin
  • respiratory distress
  • loss of reflexes
  • uncontrollable muscle twitching
  • unconsciousness
  • convulsions

Poisoning symptoms for individual pesticides are listed on pesticide labels. The symptoms are usually listed in the section called “Toxicological Information”. Become familiar with the symptoms of the pesticides used or stored on your farm. Consider keeping label copies of these pesticides in a handy location. Make sure others know where the label copies are kept. Go to ”Canadian Pesticide Labels” to find labels of pesticides registered in Canada.

All pesticides in a given chemical group generally affect the human body in the same way; however, severity of the effects vary depending on the formulation, concentration, toxicity and route of exposure of the pesticide. It is important, therefore, to know both the type of pesticide you are using and poisoning symptoms for it.

First Aid for Pesticide Poisoning [top]

Family members, applicators and others living or working on farms where pesticides are used should know how to identify pesticide poisoning and what to do if someone is poisoned.

Applicators who work alone should tell someone nearby where they are, what they will be doing, the name and PCP # of the pesticide they are using, and when they will return or report back. Instruct the person what to do if you do not report back. Applicators working alone should consider carrying a phone so they can call for help. If you are exposed to a pesticide and begin to feel symptoms, remain calm, phone for help or try to find someone to help.

Take emergency action immediately when you suspect a pesticide poisoning. Treating a person immediately may help prevent serious effects and consequences.

Protect yourself before helping someone who has been poisoned.

Post the name and telephone number of the Poison Control Centre, doctor, and clinic near each phone. Call the Poison Control Center first as they provide 24 hour service. “Emergency Contacts” on this site has an emergency phone number poster that can be printed and posted by phones.

The key to surviving and recovering from a pesticide poisoning is rapid treatment. Make sure you, and other people on the farm, know what to do in case of an emergency. Consider taking a first aid and a CPR course. First aid treatment is not a substitute for medical treatment, but it can keep a patient alive or prevent further complications until medical help is available. Know what first aid to follow in poisoning emergencies.

General First Aid for Pesticide Poisoning [top]

  1. Protect yourself from exposure (put on gloves, respirator, etc., as may be required).

  2. Prevent additional pesticide exposure. Move the victim from the area of contamination and remove any contaminated clothing.

  3. Check if the victim is breathing. If breathing has stopped or is very weak, clear the airway and begin artificial respiration. Continue until the victim is breathing normally or until medical help arrives. When doing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, use a plastic face mask to protect yourself from poison. First aid and CPR courses will teach the correct methods of artificial respiration.

  4. Call the Poison Control Centre at 1-800-567-8911. If the person is unconscious, convulsing or having problems breathing call 911 and obtain medical help as fast as possible. 

Tell the medical people: the pesticide name, active ingredient, and PCP Act registration number, and also, when the victim was poisoned, the type of exposure, and poisoning symptoms.

Carefully follow all instructions of the Poison Control Centre or 911.

  1. Unless the doctor or Poison Control Centre tells you otherwise, follow the procedures below.
  2. Keep the patient at rest, warm and comfortable. Continue first aid treatment. Do not leave the patient alone. Get someone else to arrange transportation to the Emergency Department of the nearest hospital.

First Aid for Specific Types Of Poisoning Exposure [top]

Skin Exposure
If pesticide contacts the skin:
  • Put on waterproof gloves.
  • Remove the victim's contaminated clothing.
  • Drench affected skin with water (shower, hose, faucet). Wash contaminated skin and/or hair thoroughly with soap and water. Clean under fingernails and toenails if they have been contaminated. Rinse the area with rubbing alcohol if available, then wash again with soap and water.
  • Dry the victim and wrap in a blanket.
  • Place any contaminated clothing in a plastic bag. Label the bag "pesticides".

Chemical Burns on Skin

  • Put on waterproof gloves.
  • Remove victim’s contaminated clothing.
  • Wash the burned areas with large amounts of water.
  • Cover burned area with a loosely-applied clean cloth (any kind will do).
  • Do not apply any drugs or medications to the burned area. Do not use ointments, greases, creams, lotions, powders or other drugs.
  • If the victim is in shock, keep the person lying down and warm until medical help arrives.
Eye Exposure
If a pesticide contacts the eyes:
  • Put on waterproof gloves.
  • Hold the eyelids open and rinse eyes with large amounts of clean water. If possible, use a gentle stream of clean warm water. Do not use an eye cup.
  • Continue washing for 15 minutes or more.
  • Do not use chemicals or drugs in wash water.

Inhalation Exposure
If pesticide was breathed in (dust, mist, vapor, gases):

  • Protect yourself. If the victim is in an enclosed space, do not attempt to rescue without proper respiratory equipment.
  • Carry the victim to fresh air as quickly as possible.
  • Loosen tight clothing.
  • Watch for signs of unconsciousness or convulsions. If convulsions occur, keep the airway open.
  • If breathing has stopped or is difficult, begin resuscitation. Use a plastic face mask to protect yourself.
  • Prevent chilling (wrap patient in blankets but do not overheat).
  • Keep patient as quiet as possible.
Oral Exposure
If pesticide was swallowed:
  • If a person is conscious and able to swallow, give them 1/2 to 1 glass of milk or water. Larger quantities may cause vomiting.
  • Do not induce vomiting.
  • Call the Poison Control Centre at 1-800-567-8911 for further advice.
  • If the patient is retching or vomiting, place the patient face down with their head lower than their body in the recovery position. This prevents vomit from entering the lungs and causing more damage. Do not let the patient lie on their back. Clean the vomit from the patient and collect some in case the doctor needs it for chemical tests.
  • When medical advice cannot be obtained, check and follow the pesticide label for directions.
  • The doctor may recommend activated charcoal be administered to adsorb any remaining pesticide in the stomach. Follow the doctor’s instructions. Activated charcoal should be administered only with the advice of a medical attendant or doctor.

First Aid Kit and Emergency Supplies [top]

If pesticides are stored or used on the farm, make sure the first aid kit contains:
  • Soap or detergent to wash pesticide off the skin
  • Rubbing alcohol - for cleaning skin
  • Gloves - pair of clean, waterproof gloves to prevent skin contamination of person administering first-aid
  • Clean drinking cup
  • Eye wash bottle - for washing eyes. Do not use an eye-cup
  • Plastic face-mask - for use during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to avoid direct contact with patient's mouth if contaminated with pesticide
  • Paper towels - to wipe up splashes or small spills
  • Nail brush – for cleaning under fingernails
  • Telephone information - numbers of Poison Control Centres and several quarters for emergency phone calls
  • Clean plastic bottle
  • Activated charcoal to adsorb pesticide in the stomach. Activated Charcoal should only be given to the patient upon instruction from a medical person or doctor.
Fresh water must also be available for drinking if a pesticide is swallowed, or for washing skin or eyes following exposure. Running water or a portable container with at least 45 litres of water must be present at all mixing, loading and application sites.

Cholinesterase Tests [top]

People who use organophosphate or carbamate pesticides regularly, should consult their doctor or the Workers' Compensation Board and ask if they need a cholinesterase test. Cholinesterase is an enzyme in the body that is affected by organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. Measuring cholinesterase levels in blood can help determine if a person has been exposed to potentially harmful amounts of these pesticides.

When testing is recommended, an applicator's cholinesterase levels should be measured before the spray season to determine their normal (pre-spray season) level of cholinesterase and during the spray season. Cholinesterase levels vary between people and the normal level for each person needs to be determined before being exposed to organophosphate or carbamate pesticides.

Is Our Farm Prepared for Pesticide Poisonings? [top]

Yes No  
Applicators know the poisoning symptoms for all pesticides used on the farm.
Family members and employees know pesticide poisoning symptoms.
Family members and employees know to take quick action if poisoning is suspected.
Copies of labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all pesticides used on the farm are easily available.
Family members and employees know where the pesticide labels and MSDS are kept on the farm.
Pesticide applicators always tell someone what pesticide they are using and when they are expected to return after application.
Pesticide applicators always call in they finish working with pesticides.
At least 45 litres of clean water is always available for emergencies at mixing, storage, and application sites.
Emergency phone numbers are posted by each phone and in the pesticide storage area.
Family members and employees know who to call if there is a poisoning.
Family members and employees know to be prepared to tell the Poison Control Centre the name of the pesticide, the active ingredient, the PCP number, and how the person was exposed when they call for help.
A first aid kit is easily available.
The first aid kit contains: soap, rubbing alcohol, clean waterproof gloves, drinking cup, plastic face mask, paper towels, nail brush, phone numbers, activated charcoal, and a clean plastic bottle.
Family members and employees know where the first aid kit is located.
Several people on the farm know general first aid for pesticide poisonings.
    Several people on the farm know first aid for:
Pesticides that are swallowed
Pesticide spills on skin
Pesticide splashes in eyes
Skin burns from pesticides
Inhaled pesticides

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