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Pesticides Control
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Pesticide Safety

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Ten Categories of Applicator Licenses

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Pesticide Management Facts

Pesticide Alternatives

Topsoil Requirements

Preventing Household  Intruders

Backyard Bug Brigade

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Choose Pesticides Wisely

Before You Decide to Spray



If you choose to apply a pesticide, you should wear  rubber boots, rubber gloves, long sleeved shirt  and pants, or coveralls. Depending on the product and individual sensitivity to pesticides, you may also need to wear a respirator, goggles or rain suit. Check the label for additional precautions.

If you are spraying food crops, make sure you check the days to harvest. For example, if the label says "Do not apply to cabbage within 30 days of harvest," this means that the cabbage cannot be harvested until 30 days have passed since the time of spraying. If you harvest prior to this, you run the risk of having pesticide residues remaining in the food.  Never apply any pesticide to a food crop that is not listed on the label.


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