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Ignition Interlock

A new tool to help prevent drinking and driving



Photo of driver blowing into Ignition Interlock deviceThe Ontario government has introduced tough measures against drinking and driving. These include increased suspension periods for repeat offenders, a mandatory assessment and education or treatment program, and increased fines and vehicle impoundment for those who continue to drive while suspended.

Yet drinking and driving continues to cause death and injury on Ontario’s roads. Every year there are about 16,000 drinking and driving convictions recorded in Ontario. An estimated 75 to 80 per cent of convicted drinking drivers are first-time offenders.

Ontario has a new tool to help prevent drinking and driving. As of December 23, 2001, individuals who commit an impaired driving offence under the Criminal Code of Canada and are subsequently convicted are subject to Ontario's Ignition Interlock Program.

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I have received notice of an ignition interlock condition on my licence.
What should I do?

For installation, please call Guardian Interlock Systems:
1-866-OK-TO-DRIVE or 1-866-658-6374.

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What is an ignition interlock device?

An ignition interlock device is an in-car alcohol breath screening device that prevents a vehicle from starting if it detects a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over a pre-set limit of .02 (i.e., 20 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood). The device is located inside the vehicle, near the driver’s seat, and is connected to the engine's ignition system.

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How does an ignition interlock device work?

Before starting the vehicle, a driver must blow into the device. If the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above the pre-set limit, the vehicle will not start.

Once the vehicle is started, the interlock device requires the driver to provide breath samples at random pre-set times while the engine is running. If a sample is not provided, or if the BAC exceeds the limit, the device will issue a warning, record the event and activate specific alarm systems (e.g., lights flashing, horn honking, etc.), until the ignition is turned off.

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What are the details of Ontario’s Ignition Interlock Program?

After serving the current provincial sanctions, including licence suspensions and a mandatory remedial program, those eligible to have their driver’s licence reinstated will have an ignition interlock condition placed on their Ontario driver’s licence for at least one year. Drivers who choose not to install a device must not drive until the condition is removed from their licence.

First-time offenders will have an ignition interlock condition on their licence for a minimum of one year. Second-time offenders will have the condition for a minimum of three years. Third-time offenders will have a lifetime ignition interlock condition placed on their licence, if it is reinstated after a minimum 10-year suspension. The program does not apply to fourth-time offenders, as their licence will never be reinstated.

The driver must register with an approved service provider to have an ignition interlock installed. The device must be inspected regularly by the service provider.

When the condition period is over, the driver must apply to the Ministry of Transportation to have it removed from his or her licence.

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Who must have the device installed?

Photo of driver holding Ignition Interlock deviceEveryone who commits an impaired driving offence on or after December 23, 2001, and is subsequently convicted, must have the ignition interlock device installed after their licence is reinstated if they want to drive. To have their driver’s licence reinstated, they must first complete the mandatory suspension period and all other licensing requirements including the Remedial Measures Program (assessment, education or treatment and follow-up).

The device is installed for the ignition interlock condition period. It must be used by anyone who drives the vehicle, including family and friends. Offenders can choose not to drive until the ignition interlock condition is removed from their licence.

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What are the penalties for not complying with the ignition interlock program?

Drivers convicted of driving without an ignition interlock device or for tampering with the device will face fines under the Highway Traffic Act ranging from:

  • $200 - $20,000 for commercial vehicles
  • $200 - $1,000 for other motor vehicles

Ignition interlock violations for tampering or driving without a device will be reported to the Ministry of Transportation. This includes Highway Traffic Act convictions and reports of tampering from the service provider. Program violations will affect the amount of time the condition remains on the licence. For example, the condition will remain on the licence of a first-time offender for an additional year from the date of a tampering report.

Vehicle owners who knowingly allow a person with an ignition interlock condition to drive their vehicle may also be convicted under the Highway Traffic Act.

Effective December 2002, you can check if a driver has an ignition interlock condition on his or her licence by contacting the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) at 1-900-565-6555 ($2.50 per check) or accessing MTO’s website - Driver Licence Check ($2.00 per check).

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How is the licence condition removed?

An application form to have the condition removed will be mailed to drivers 15 days prior to their condition removal date. Drivers may also complete an application form at a Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office.

The driver must apply to the Ministry of Transportation to have the condition removed from his or her licence.

If the driver has completed the minimum period (one year or three years) without any program violations (tampering/driving without), the ignition interlock condition will be removed.

If the driver does not apply for removal of the licence condition, it will remain on the licence. As long as the condition remains on the licence, the driver will only be able to drive vehicles that are equipped with an approved ignition interlock device, or be subject to penalties under the Highway Traffic Act.

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Who pays the cost of an ignition interlock device?

Drivers subject to an ignition interlock condition are responsible for all installation and maintenance costs for the device. The service provider will provide related information, including fees, when a driver registers for the program. For installation information and costs, please call: Guardian Interlock Systems 1-866-OK-TO-DRIVE or 1-866-658-6374.

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For more information contact the Ministry of Transportation
1-800-387-3445 or 416-235-2999 or
click on Road Safety: Impaired Driving
Arrive alive, drive sober
For installation, please call Guardian Interlock Systems
1-866-OK-TO-DRIVE or 1-866-658-6374

Last Modified: December 20, 2002