Safe Kids Week 2006
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Safe Kids Week 2006

Celebrating Safe Kids Week 10th Anniversary
June 5 – 11, 2006


We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 10th annual Safe Kids Week campaign.  Safe Kids Week is an exciting national education campaign presented by Safe Kids Canada, the national injury prevention program of SickKids, with sponsor support from Johnson & Johnson.

In 2006, we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Safe Kids Week campaign in Canada.  This is an exciting opportunity to bring attention to the fact that although significant improvements have been made injury continues to be the leading cause of hospitalization and death for children over the age of one. 

Unlike previous years when the campaign focused on a specific injury topic or theme, the main education goal of the 2006 campaign is to raise awareness and change attitudes about the unacceptable burden of preventable injury for Canadian children.

Please click to register for Safe Kids Week 2006.

If you have any questions about Safe Kids Week or would like ideas about how your organization can participate, please contact Jennifer Hall at 416-813-6164, by e-mail at or by fax at 416-813-4986.

Page published on 2006-05-25
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The Hospital for Sick Children
The Hospital for Sick Children is a health care, teaching and research centre
dedicated exclusively to children; affiliated with the University of Toronto

Safe Kids Canada is the national injury prevention program of The Hospital for Sick Children.

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