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Domestic Violence Handbook: for Police and Crown Prosecutors in Alberta
November 25, 2005

Domestic Violence Handbook cover page imageThis handbook is a compilation of the research, best practices, and knowledge that experts in the area of family violence would agree are essential to effective response by the criminal justice system.

The Alberta Government’s dedication to ending family violence is ongoing, and as such, this electronic handbook will continue to be updated.

Domestic Violence Handbook: for Police and Crown Prosecutors in Alberta (Full Document) - 2.9 MB Adobe Acrobat Document

Handbook – 1.75 MB Adobe Acrobat Document

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Definition of Domestic Violence
  4. Family Violence Initiatives in Alberta
  5. What We Know About Domestic Violence
  6. Understanding the Abuser
  7. Understanding the Victims of Domestic Violence
  8. Aboriginal Victims of Domestic Violence
  9. Children Exposed to Family Violence
  10. Best Practices for Police Investigating Domestic Violence
  11. Gathering and Documenting Evidence
  12. Investigating Criminal Harassment
  13. Dominant Aggressor / Dual Charging
  14. Strangulation / Choking
  15. Assessing Risk for Further Violence
  16. Primary Risk Factors for Homicide
  17. Safety Planning for Victims
  18. Show Cause Hearings
  19. Best Practices for Crown Prosecutors Addressing Victim’s Issues
  20. Review of Civil Orders Used in Domestic Violence Cases
  21. Firearms
  22. Sentencing Domestic Violence Cases
  23. Information for Victims of Crime
  24. Elder Abuse
  25. Relationship Between Animal (Pet) Abuse and Family Violence
  26. Domestic Violence and People Who Have a Disability
  27. Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transsexual Victims of Domestic Violence
  28. Language Barriers and Immigration Status
  29. Coordination and Collaboration
  30. A True Story
  31. Bibliography

Appendices 1.3 MB Adobe Acrobat Document

  1. Signs to Look for in a Battering Personality
  2. Safety Planning Materials
  3. “211” Community Connection Telephone Service
  4. Reminders for Domestic Violence Work with Children
  5. Children’s Services Referral Form (Sample form for police to report children exposed to violence)
  6. Information Sheet on Sworn Videotaped Statements in Domestic Violence Occurrences
  7. Domestic History Questionnaire
  8. Spousal Violence Investigation (sample form)
  9. Strangulation Documentation Form
  10. Domestic Violence Strangulation Investigation form
  11. Questioning the Expert in Strangulation Cases
  12. Schedule of Emergency Women’s Shelters in Alberta Justice
  13. Emergency Help for Albertans Fleeing Abuse
  14. Agencies to Assist Victims of Crime
  15. Notification and Protection Guidelines for Victims of Domestic Violence
  16. Emergency Protection Orders (EPO) – related forms
  17. Sentencing Checklist - Adults
  18. Family Protection Unit – Probation Order
  19. Information for Victims of Crime - Victim Impact Statement

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