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How do I know if it's happening to me?

Following are some examples of abuse. You can also refer to the definitions page for further clarification. If you have any questions, whether for yourself or a friend, please call the Helpline, at 310-1234.

See also:

Physical abuse

These are some examples of physical abuse:

  • hitting
  • pinching
  • slapping
  • pushing
  • punching
  • kicking
  • burning
  • stabbing or cutting

These could be considered crimes in Canada.

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Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is where a child is exploited for the sexual gratification of an adult, and can include:

  • touching your private parts (vagina, penis, bum, breasts, and anywhere that makes you feel uncomfortable)
  • making sexual references to your body
  • asking you to show your body
  • asking you to pose for photographs for sexual purposes
  • asking you to touch another person's private body parts
  • asking you to have sex with them (vaginal or anal)
  • having sex with you
  • threatening you with sex acts or obscene gestures

These could be considered crimes in Canada.

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Emotional abuse

Some examples of emotional or psychological abuse include repeated or chronic patterns of:

  • making threats to harm you, someone you know or your pets
  • breaking your things
  • humiliating you
  • insulting you
  • ignoring you
  • screaming at you
  • calling you names
  • constantly putting you down

Emotional abuse can result in serious negative emotional impact, including:

  • severe anxiety
  • withdrawal
  • depression
  • self-destructive behaviour
  • abuse behaviour

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Neglect can kill children. More children dies from neglect than any other kind of abuse.

Neglect usually happens when something is NOT done, like when your parents or guardians do NOT take proper care of you, and you might be physically hurt as a result. This may include:

  • failure to provide adequate health care
  • failure to provide food
  • failure to provide adequate shelter
  • inability to keep the child safe
  • inability to provide proper health care
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • leaving children at home alone without supervision
  • untreated conditions
  • abandoning a child

Neglect is often not intentional, but can result in a child or youth being hurt, and even killed.

Failing to provide the necessities, abandoning a child and corrupting a child can be considered neglect.

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  How do I know if it is happening to me? You are here
  Should I tell if it's happening to me?  
  What happens when I report child abuse?  
  What happens after I tell?  
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Updated: August 21, 2006
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Child abuse is against the lawHelpline 310-1234 TDD 1-866-660-0505
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