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Possible indicators of emotional abuse
By themselves, these signs do not prove abuse or neglect. But they do tell us we need to know more about the child's or youth's circumstances. They can be the result of phenomena such as divorce, separation, death of a significant person or the arrival of a new sibling. That's why indicators must be assessed by professionals. The important thing to know is what the signs are, and how to report them if a child or youth may need protection.

Physical indicators

  • bedwetting and/or diarrhea
  • frequent psychosomatic complaints, headaches, nausea, abdominal pains

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Behavioural indicators

  • mental or emotional development lags
  • behaviours inappropriate for age
  • fear of failure, overly high standards, reluctance to play
  • fears consequences of actions, often leading to lying
  • extreme withdrawal or aggressiveness, mood swings
  • overly compliant, too well-mannered
  • excessive neatness and cleanliness
  • extreme attention-seeking behaviours
  • poor peer relationships
  • severe depression, may be suicidal
  • runaway attempts
  • violence is a subject for art or writing
  • complains of social isolation
  • forbidden contact with other children

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Updated: August 4, 2006
Child abuse is against the lawHelpline 310-1234 TDD 1-866-660-0505
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