Child Protection

The Child Protection Unit supports Yukon families and delivers programs intended to reduce family violence, child abuse and neglect. The unit works towards its goals through the efforts of three teams: Intake and Assessment, Family Services and the Family Support Program. All programs emphasize prevention and strive to keep children in their home environment.

Intake and Assessment

The Intake Team receives all initial referrals to Family and Children's Services. The priority for the team is the screening, investigation, and assessment of reports of child abuse and neglect. Social workers use family, community and departmental resources to respond to often complex and critical situations. The safety and well-being of the child is the most important concern. The Intake team also provides parent and family support.

Family Services

The Family Services team looks after family situations that require long-term involvement by the unit. Many families experience multiple problems such as alcohol or drug abuse, housing or financial troubles, marital or child management difficulties, physical or sexual abuse, neglect, family violence and conflicts with the law. The team provides or co-ordinates access for children and their families to support services, counselling and treatment and other community resources.

Family Support Program

Family Support Workers become involved with families where there are child protection concerns. Workers liaise with other resource people to develop specific strategies to solve problems affecting a child's well-being within the family. Each family support worker provides intensive home-based support to a small number of families to reduce the risk to the children. The program also takes a lead role in coordinating community groups or resources developing, delivering and promoting services such as parenting information and support groups, that enhance the functioning of the family.