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Location: Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration > Ontario Women's Directorate > Sexual Assault: Let's Talk About It! > Advice for Guys


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Advice for Guys

Are you a victim of sexual  violence?

There's Help for Guys here

If you ask most people what a sexual assault is, they'll probably tell you it's what happens when a stranger forces you to have sex by using physical violence. But you know what? Sexual assault isn't limited to sexual intercourse - and it actually includes any psychological or emotional manipulation or threats which pressures someone into sex, as well as any form of unwanted touching. The worst part is, in most cases, sexual assault is committed by someone you know well. Even someone you love.

Image of a guy's faceIt gets confusing because some guys think that they have the right to expect sex from a girl, especially if she has been friendly or has already agreed to some form of sexual contact, like kissing or touching. But that's a dangerous assumption.

Just because you've had some sexual contact, doesn't mean that you automatically have the right to more.

Most guys are NOT abusive and don't support abusive behaviour.

So how can you help avoid sexual assault and work to bring an end to violence against women?

Know that you are not ALONE.

There are men across Canada who are actively working to end violence against women. Organizations like the White Ribbon Campaign can support you in your efforts to fight sexism, discrimination and disrespect towards women.


Image of a guy's faceHere are a few simple things you can do:

* If you're not sure how your date is feeling about having sex, ask her.

* If the response you get isn't clear, don't go any further.

* Be aware of your own body language and behaviour - sometimes we can be intimidating without realizing it.

* Keep in mind that drugs and alcohol can cloud your judgement.

* Challenge other people when you hear them making sexist jokes and comments that demean women.

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