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Crime Prevention > Elder Abuse

With the aging of our population, elder abuse is a problem that is becoming more widespread and is something that all segments of society should be aware of, learn to recognize and TakeAction to prevent. The definition of elder abuse is “any deliberate action or lack of action by a person in a relationship of trust, which results in harm to an older individual.”  There are many forms of abuse:

Physical Abuse
(Any action that causes physical pain, discomfort or injury)

Slapping, kicking, shoving, pinching, hair pulling, burning, punching or causing injury with an object or weapon

Deliberate exposure to severe weather

Grabbing, shaking, or rough handling when providing care

Unnecessary physical restraint, confinement

Sexual abuse
(Any sexual contact or activity that does not involve an older individual's full understanding and consent)

Subjecting an unwilling viewer to pornographic materials

Exhibitionism/voyeurism or engaging in offensive verbal and non-verbal behaviours of a sexual nature

Engaging in physically intrusive acts such as sexualized kissing/fondling, oral/genital contact, digital penetration, vaginal/anal intercourse

Using the victim to produce pornographic materials, or allowing others sexual access to the older individual

Psychological abuse
(Any verbal or psychological attack which provokes fear, severe mental anguish, emotional distress, or anxiety and results in loss of dignity and self-esteem)

Humiliation, isolation, intimidation and/or threats

Chronic put-downs, criticism, blaming, name-calling or infantalization

Inappropriate control of the older individual’s activities

Removal of decision-making power when the older person is still competent to make his or her own decisions

Financial abuse
(Any actions, with or without the knowledge and/or consent of an older adult, which result in the loss of money, property or other possessions)

Misuse of the older individual's money, property or other possessions through fraud, forgery or extortion

Theft or misuse of pension cheques and/or funds through persuasion, deceit or other forms of emotional manipulation

Forcing an older individual to change a will or sell personal property

Misuse of power of attorney, joint bank account, an older individual's credit card(s) or bank card(s)

(The failure or refusal by someone who has assumed a caregiving responsibility to provide for the needs of an older adult who is unable to independently meet his/her own needs. The unintentional failure to fulfill one's caregiving obligations - without conscious or willful intent - is seen as passive neglect, while the deliberate or intentional withholding of adequate care is viewed as active neglect.)

Inadequate provision of food, water, clothing, shelter or other necessaries of life

Failure or refusal to provide required medications, medical treatment, personal care, other necessary services, or needed aids/equipment such as walkers, eyeglasses, dentures, hearing aids, etc.


Victims are women and men, "younger" seniors as well as "older" seniors, the healthy as well as the frail, from all income levels, racial, religious and ethnocultural backgrounds.

  • Most victims know and trust their abusers
  • Most are mentally competent and able to make decisions for themselves


Abusers are both men and women who are related to the victim through kinship or a position of trust.

  • Someone who has control or influence over the older person
  • Someone who may be dependent on the older individual for financial help, a place to live, assistance with child care or emotional support
  • Individuals with a history of alcohol, drug and/or gambling addiction, mental illness, chronic unemployment, financial problems or family violence


Repeated incidents of unexplained physical injuries/accidents

Unexplained delay in seeking treatment for injuries

A history of "hospital/doctor hopping"

Presence of a sexually transmitted disease in a senior who is not known to be sexually active

Rent/mortgage/utility bills unpaid or in arrears

Lack of money to purchase food, clothing, medications or other necessities when income appears adequate

Unusual activity in the older person's bank account(s) such as a change in the frequency or amount(s) of withdrawals, withdrawals being made by bank card rather than in person, joint bank accounts being opened up

Symptoms of depression, anxiety, fearfulness, low self-esteem

Withdrawal, a sense of hopelessness and resignation, suicidal ideation

Malnutrition and/or dehydration

Deterioration in personal hygiene, bedsores, untreated wounds, lack of wound dressings

Inappropriate use of medication, lack of needed medication(s), over sedation


Fear of retaliation or punishment

Fear of abandonment or rejection by the abuser or other family members

Family loyalty

Shame and embarrassment if the abuser is a spouse or other family member

Fear of placement in an institution


If you or someone you know is being abused - seek help from a social worker, public health nurse, doctor, your clergyman, the local police, or the Age & Opportunity Elder Abuse Resource Centre.


Stay sociable as you age and maintain and add to your network of friends and acquaintances

Keep in contact with old friends and neighbors if you move in with a relative or change to a new address

Develop a “Buddy System” with a friend outside of the home.  Plan for at least weekly contact and share openly with this person

Ask friends to visit you often - even brief visits allow for observations of your well being

Participate in community activities

Have your own telephone, and post and open your own mail

Arrange to have your pension cheques or other income deposited directly into your bank account

Get legal advice about arrangements you can make now for possible future disability, such as powers of attorney

Keep accurate records, accounts, and lists of property/assets available for examination by someone you trust, as well as by the person you or the court have designated to manage your affairs

Review your Will periodically and do not make changes to it without careful consideration and/or discussion with a trusted family member or friend

Give up control of your property or assets only when you decide you can’t manage them

Ask for help when you need it

Discuss your plans with your attorney, physician or family members

If you wish more information or have any questions about Elder Abuse, please contact the Winnipeg Police Service Community Relations Unit at 986-6322 or Age & Opportunity, the Elder Abuse Resource Centre at 956-6449.

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Last update: December 7, 2005

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