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Child Abuse Awareness

Did You Know?

Between 1974 and 2001, 1,324 children under 18 were killed by family members.

Neglect is the most common form of reported child abuse cases, making up more than 40% of all reported cases.

Children and youth under the age of 18 represent only one-fifth of the population, but are victims in more than 60% of reported sexual offences.

Children and youth are victimized by acquaintances in over half of all reported physical assualts and sexual offences (52%), and another 23% are victimized by family members.

Physical assaults against children and youth have been on the rise since 1997.

Children with disabilities are two to five times more likely to be abused than those without disabilities.

Children who are disciplined with slapping or scolding are more likely to be involved in violent dating relationships during their teenage years.

31.4% of females and 44.8% of males who were sexually assaulted, reported their first sexual assualt as occuring before the age of 13.

44% of eating disorder expenditures and 50% of alcohol dependence expenditures can be attributed to child sexual abuse.