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Ways To Beat The Heat

The elderly, youngsters and those with pre-existing medical conditions can be susceptible to stress from heat but can reduce discomfort by taking some minor precautions.

Drinking plenty of water, juice or beverages with electrolytes throughout the day, as often as every 15 to 20 minutes, will help you stay cool. Alcohol and caffeinated drinks can hamper the body's ability to moderate temperature and should be avoided.

Perspiration can be hampered by humidity, which doesn't help when heat and the humidex are high. On those days, avoid strenuous outdoor activity, particularly during hours of peak sunshine. If the activity cannot be delayed, try to schedule it during the early morning or evening when it's cooler. Those at high-risk of heat related problems such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke should stay in areas where there is plenty of air conditioning and air circulation. If air conditioning is not available, consider going to an environment where it will be, such as the movies, the mall or a pool.

Cool cloths applied to the face, neck and arms, as well as short baths and showers are other good ways to beat the heat, as are avoiding heavy meals and wearing lightweight, light coloured clothing. It takes time to adjust to hot temperatures, so in the meantime take it easy and enjoy the summer.

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