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Special permits 

Special Road Train Operating Permits Regulation 

The Special Road Train Operating Permits Regulation authorizes road trains whose length exceeds 25 meters. These vehicles are limited to divided highways (autoroutes) and the areas surrounding them. Their maximum combined weight is limited to 67,500 kg, and the last semi-trailer must have a sign bearing the words TRAIN ROUTIER on its rear. The driver must have a minimum of five years of experience driving a combination of road vehicles and be the holder of a “T” driver's license. The special permit is issued for three or nine months. From December 1 to March 1, as well as on Sundays and legal holidays, road trains are prohibited on roadways. Driving a combination of road vehicles is also subject to other conditions.

To obtain a special permit, the applicant must contact:

Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec
260, rue de l'Estuaire, C-3-33
Québec (Québec) G1K 8J6
Telephone: (418) 528-4545

The fees for the issuance of a special permit are $144 for three months or $221 for nine months, plus $10 in administration fees.

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Last modification of this page: 2006-04-04
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