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Air transportation  

Québec Air Transportation Policy

[...] "Air transportation is a key concern for Québec. The industry is currently in a downswing marked by mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. For users, this has meant a noticeable decline in the quality of service.

These difficulties have been aggravated by the federal government’s gradual withdrawal from airport management, operation, and even ownership in recent years, as well as by industry restructuring. The
tragic events of September 11, 2001, followed, leading to significant financial losses for airlines and even putting a number of national carriers out of business.

In response, the Government of Québec and representatives of air carriers, airport authorities, communities, and air transportation users came together to examine how to get the industry off the ground once again. The Québec Air Transportation Policy grew out of this exercise. It puts forward concrete measures to resolve current problems and address the unacceptable prospect of a nation famous for its aeronautics expertise being unable to offer its people appropriate air service.

We believe this policy has a bright future. The Government of Québec has even made it a symbol of its commitment to support a transportation mode essential to the development of its national capital Québec City, its largest city Montréal, and all of Québec’s regions."

Message from the Minister of Transport, Québec Air Transportation Policy, p. I

[...] "This policy reminds us of the strategic role of air transportation in the economic growth of all of Québec’s regions at a time of market and trade globalization.

At the same time, it recognizes the inalienable right of residents of remote and isolated regions to air services that enable them to travel for medical, family, leisure, and other reasons. It clearly affirms that air transportation is to remote regions what public transit is to large cities—a virtually essential service!

With the Québec Air Transportation Policy, the Government of Québec has also signaled its new, more proactive form of involvement. In recent years, it has been forced to promote and defend Québec’s interests in the face of federal withdrawal from the field.

But armed with the consensus that the Québec Air Transportation Policy represents, the Government of Québec can now work with partners in Québec’s air transportation and related communities to lay a solid foundation for action.

The government has focused its efforts on such challenges as developing efficient air services in Québec, ensuring a viable and competitive air transportation system, and showcasing Québec’s expertise and advantages in the realm of air transportation. Other urgent issues, such as developing and reinforcing Montréal and Québec City’s roles as transborder and international connector hubs, as well as Québec’s position in international civil aviation, are also at the heart of the policy’s action plan.

Message from the Minister for Transport and Maritime Policy, Québec Air Transportation Policy, p. II

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