Canada Economic Development

Regional Strategic Initiative (RSI) – NORD-DU-QUÉBEC

This Regional Strategic Initiative (RSI) is intended to support the economic diversification of the Nord-du-Québec region by focusing on three areas of intervention:

  • Development of the region's technological capacity
  • Tourism development
  • Support for the region's adjustment capacity

This initiative ends March 31, 2007.

Key issues and opportunities for the region

  • Promoting the introduction of new communications technologies 
  • Encouraging, building consensus and stimulating entrepreneurship and the acquisition of specialized skills among youth, regional stakeholders and SMEs in an effort to identify solutions to enable the region to pursue its growth
  • Promoting innovative activities and partnerships with research organizations to enhance the region's competitive advantages (in the mining and forestry sectors, for example)
  • Increasing the region's tourism development and promoting a regional brand image
  • Facilitating and encouraging partnerships among communities in the region

Specific objectives of the RSI

  • Helping the community become more involved in the pursuit of its own development
  • Diversifying the economic base of the region 
  • Enhancing the region's tourism potential by strengthening regional tourism organizations, promoting the development of integrated tourist products and helping tourism producers develop international-calibre products
  • Improving the competitiveness of enterprises and eliciting the emergence of micro-enterprises by promoting reduced telecommunications costs
  • Encouraging partnerships among the three communities in the region

    Eligible clients

    • Small and medium-sized enterprises
    • SME support organizations and regional economic development organizations (intermediary organizations
    • Institutional, private-sector and other partners  

    Eligible costs for enterprises

    All costs deemed necessary to the execution of a project, excluding  the costs of land, buildings, motor vehicles or any other asset whose price exceeds fair market value.

    Eligible costs for associations and organizations

    Operating costs, professional fees and bursaries

    Forms of assistance     

    • For SMEs, assistance will be granted in the form of repayable contributions.
    • For non-profit organizations (NPOs), assistance will be granted in the form of non-repayable contributions.

    General eligibility criteria

    The enterprise or organization must:

    • Be located within the targeted regions
    • Be incorporated under federal or provincial law
    • Further the objectives of the RSI
    • Demonstrate the project's economic viability and cost-effectiveness
    • Create jobs, particularly for youth, and generate economic spinoffs for the region
    • Comply with the principles of sustainable development

    Ongoing evaluation process

    The RSI is subject to the planning, monitoring, evaluation and results reporting practices that apply to Government of Canada activities. As such, the RSI must comply with the Agency's performance measurement framework, which is designed to ensure the monitoring, evaluation and reporting of results in accordance with Treasury Board criteria.

    Last revised: 2005-06-27 Page Up Important Notices
    Date published: 2005-03-23