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Advertising campaigns 

Information on road safety is meant to increase public awareness and convince road users to adopt good behaviour. The Department invests each year substantial amounts of money in information and advertising campaigns.

While the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec focuses more on observance of the Highway Safety Code, the Department is interested in how drivers behave in relation to road infrastructures. This is why its campaigns concern the road environment, especially the condition of the road network. The main campaigns are aimed at all road users and deal with themes that recur periodically, depending on the season. Among them, we can mention Winter Road Safety, Traffic Control Devices and Safety on Road Work Sites.

Some campaigns are intended for specific clienteles and deal with the matters that concern them most directly, such as snowmobile, bicycle, off-road vehicle and school transportation safety campaigns. There is also information on the laws and regulations governing the heavy transportation industry, including the campaign on the thaw period.

In addition to these recurring campaigns, the Department runs ad hoc campaigns on regulatory changes, such as when the right turn on red came into force, or on local problems, such as the presence of large wildlife (French) on the approaches to the road network or ferry syndrome (French).

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Last modification of this page: 2006-01-19
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