Canada Economic Development

Strategic Initiative - Greater Montreal

Priority areas and objectives

In Greater Montreal, Canada Economic Development, under the Regional Strategic Initiative (RSI) program, focusses on the following areas:

  • Science and technology: focusses mainly on maintaining the competitiveness of high technology industries
  • Development of SMEs: focusses mainly on increasing the number of exporting enterprises and the region’s volume of exports
  • International development: focusses mainly on the capacity to attract international organizations
  • Development of tourism and cultural industries: focusses on the development of the region’s potential for attracting international tourism, including assistance in international marketing of major festivals
  • Local economic development: includes support for local long-term job creation initiatives

This is a five-year initiative, ending on March 31st, 2007.

Eligible clients

  • Some private research centres, such as those working in the regional economy’s leading-edge sectors
  • Industrial groups and associations of enterprises
  • Sectoral and support organizations for the development of SMEs, especially those working on the promotion of exports
  • Some non-profit organizations with an economic mandate that promote growth-generating projects in the Strategy’s priority areas

Last revised: 2005-11-02 Page Up Important Notices
Date published: 2002-06-13