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We contribute to the attainment of a just,
peaceful and safe society.


We recognize that criminal behaviour violates the essential values of Canadians. The National Parole Board shares with others the responsibility to contribute to the maintenance of a just, peaceful and safe society. All agencies of the criminal justice system and the community at large share responsibilities and opportunities to prevent crime and to assist those who break the law to become law-abiding citizens.

The National Parole Board contributes to the protection of society by carrying out its legislated mandate. Under the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Board makes decisions on the timing and conditions of release that will best facilitate the rehabilitation of offenders and their integration into the community as law-abiding citizens. The Board also recognizes the law-abiding status of former offenders by making pardon decisions pursuant to the Criminal Records Act.

We carry out these responsibilities with the recognition that the successful integration of offenders is integral to preventing crime and protecting society. It is primarily in the community that an offender can fulfil a commitment to be law abiding. We recognize that offenders are responsible and accountable for their criminal behaviour, that they must understand their accountability and that they must take action to promote their potential to be law abiding. We further recognize that while some will not do so, offenders have the potential to live in society as law-abiding citizens.

We acknowledge that there is risk associated with conditional release. Within the decision-making process, the timing and conditions of each release are decided after a determination of the risk the offender would present if released, based on a review of all available relevant information. We employ risk assessment information in carrying out decision making that relates to all forms of conditional release. Risk assessment is also considered in dealing with high risk offenders who may, under the terms of legislated detention provisions, be detained until the expiry of their warrant of committal. It is the responsibility of the Board’s criminal justice partners, including the Correctional Service of Canada and others, to manage the released offender in the community and to inform the Board, for its review, if there is a significant change in the level of risk that is presented.

The granting of a pardon is a formal mechanism which acknowledges that an individual with past convictions has demonstrated, over time, his integration through law-abiding behaviour in the community. A recommendation for clemency is another formal mechanism that is available in exceptional circumstances to provide relief from undue hardship or inequity, consistent with the protection of society.


  • To ensure that every Board decision is based on the risk presented by the offender and is consistent with the goal of promoting the protection of the public.

  • To promote the safe integration of every offender who is conditionally released by imposing necessary release conditions and by responding, as appropriate, to significant change in the risk presented.

  • To ensure that Board members are provided with effective risk assessment tools and with complete and accurate information about each offender.

  • Collaboration with the Correctional Service of Canada and others in identifying better ways to attain the shared goals of preventing crime and protecting society.

  • To allocate financial resources and personnel in an effective and efficient manner in the management of the Parole Board’s mandate.


We respect the inherent potential and dignity of all
individuals and the equal rights of all members of society.


We recognize the worth and dignity of all persons and reflect this recognition in working with individuals and in the performance of all of our responsibilities.

The Board respects the protections guaranteed to all persons by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and acts in accordance with the duty to act fairly in its decision making. We act under the authority given by the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Criminal Records Act. The National Parole Board embraces all of the principles, obligations and entitlements set out in its Mission. We accordingly create policies and processes that promote the achievement of all of these entitlements and values. We ensure that these policies and processes are implemented on a national basis, while providing, within the context of their application, for distinctions that derive from legitimate regional variations.

The Parole Board’s policies and processes respect gender, ethnic and linguistic differences and are responsive to the distinctive needs and characteristics presented by aboriginal peoples and other specific cultural groups within Canadian society.

The National Parole Board is committed to making timely and well-documented decisions that are equitable, impartial, responsible and understandable. In carrying out our decision-making responsibilities, we undertake assessments that respect the characteristics presented by members of diverse groups in Canadian society.

The Board makes decisions that have as their specific goal the protection of society. In so doing, intervention in the life of each offender is decided in a manner that is deemed least restrictive, consistent with the imperatives of public protection and effective management of the risk presented by the offender.

We recognize the specific entitlements provided in legislation to victims of crime. We are sensitive to the needs presented by crime victims and seek opportunities to relate to them in ways that are consistent with our mandate and facilitate the achievement of our Mission.


  • To ensure that the rights of each individual involved in the conditional release process are protected.

  • To ensure that each person is treated in a manner that recognizes and responds to individual needs and characteristics.

  • To ensure that the constraints placed upon each offender are the least restrictive necessary to promote the protection of society.

  • To ensure that victims who so wish are duly informed and treated fairly and their input are fully considered in the conditional release process.

  • To ensure the provision of an impartial and timely process of appeal.

  • To recognize the integration of former offenders through the granting of pardons.


We believe that the contribution of qualified and motivated individuals is essential to promoting the achievement
of the Parole Board’s Mission.


The Parole Board is a results-driven and value-based organization, dedicated to the achievement of its Mission and committed to seeking improvement in the performance of all its responsibilities. We believe that all personnel, be they Board members or staff at any level or location within the organization, contribute to the achievement of the Board’s Mission through the effective and efficient performance of their work.

The Board should be comprised of people who have a good understanding of the principles of the criminal justice system, will support attainment of the Board’s Mission and have gained their place in the organization on the basis of a selection process that recognizes merit and competence.

The Board values all of its personnel and promotes collegiality and cooperation in all facets of its operations. The work of Board members and staff is mutually complementary and it is the responsibility of each individual to promote a working environment characterized by mutual trust and respect.

We provide direction to all employees through policy or other means that conveys a clear understanding of the requirements and the results to be attained from their implementation. We also recognize a responsibility to provide training to the Board’s personnel in order that they may achieve the results and expectations of their work.

We believe that individuals shall effectively carry out their responsibilities and shall be accountable for their actions.

The Board encourages a healthy and secure environment which is conducive to the achievement of our Mission. We value communication, openness and flexibility and we support new opportunities to bring about improvements. Individuals must be supported and encouraged in the exercise of their responsibilities, and be recognized for their accomplishments.

We recognize that we rely on, and benefit from, close associations with a variety of criminal justice system partners, such as the Correctional Service of Canada, to maximize collective performance. We work cooperatively with a broad range of individuals and groups who can either assist our efforts or provide independent support for the attainment of the Board’s Mission.


  • To ensure that the personnel of the Parole Board have an understanding of criminal justice policies and can assist in the attainment of the Board’s Mission.

  • To provide learning opportunities to better enable the personnel of the Parole Board to carry out their responsibilities and to improve their capacity to achieve the intent of the Board’s Mission.

  • To undertake research, evaluation and assessments of performance to improve individual and corporate capacities to effectively carry out the Board’s mandate.

  • To develop and maintain opportunities with the Correctional Service of Canada and others, to exchange information and ideas that will contribute to the establishment of improved practices and shared values.

  • To create an environment within the Parole Board that encourages initiative, fosters mutual trust and respect and supports the achievement of the Board’s Mission.


We are committed to openness, integrity and accountability in the execution of our mandate.


The Parole Board makes conditional release decisions in individual cases independent of external direction or control. As an agency of government, the Board is accountable to the Solicitor General and the Parliament of Canada for carrying out all of its responsibilities as directed by legislation and the Board’s policy framework. In the exercise of their discretion, Parole Board members are accountable to the Chairman for their adherence to the legislation and the Parole Board’s decision-making policies and processes. Each member of the Board’s personnel is accountable, ultimately to the Chairman, for the fulfilment of individual responsibilities, including the use of human and financial resources.

We lead by example and measure our performance against the same standards that we believe should be applied to others.

We clearly identify our objectives and we establish both individual and organizational accountability for their fulfilment.

We are committed to establishing relationships with our colleagues, partners and others who participate in the work of the Board, relationships which are characterized by openness, integrity and mutual cooperation.

We are committed to the provision and receipt of relevant, timely and accurate information that would be used for a variety of purposes, including support for decision making, demonstrating that the Board is open and accountable and supporting the Board’s continuing improvement.

We conduct reviews to seek information from positive and negative case outcomes that may inform the Board about its performance and the application of its policies and processes, as well as indicate the need for new approaches.

The Parole Board is subject to ongoing public scrutiny. We acknowledge that the public is entitled to know about our performance and that we have a duty to inform the public, victims of crime and interested individuals of our policies and processes. In so doing, we are required to limit the information that we may divulge about individuals, including offenders, to that which is specifically authorized by law. We acknowledge the important role that the media plays in informing the public and we relate to the media in a manner that demonstrates our intent to communicate openly.

We regard opportunities to communicate with others, including members of the public, representatives of interest groups or persons affiliated with criminal justice agencies, as a way to exchange information about existing or prospective policies and procedures.

We are committed to ensuring that people within the Parole Board, as well as our partners and others who are interested in the work of the Board, are informed of the Board’s Mission, the commitments that the organization is making to promote its achievement and our ongoing effective performance in achieving our goals.


  • To provide information to our partners, the media and other publics in a manner that reflects our duty to provide information about the Parole Board’s performance, policies and processes.

  • To ensure that all Parole Board personnel pursue the attainment of our Mission in a manner that reflects the values and principles identified in the Mission statement.
    Last Updated: 2005-09-16 Top Important Notices