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Welcome to the home page of the Grow Up With Safety Program (GUWS). GUWS is a collaborative effort of the Government of Saskatchewan, the Government of Canada, the private sector and a number of Canadian injury prevention organizations. Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) and Saskatchewan Labour co-ordinate the project through a multi-agency steering committee.

GUWS is a collection of Grades 1-9 teaching/learning resources that have been constructed, by teachers, for use within Saskatchewan’s Health Education curriculum. The program is intended for use in rural, urban and northern schools and is adaptable for use in other jurisdictions that use a decision-making model in their health education.

GUWS is designed to combine the efforts of the family, the school and community injury prevention organizations in reducing fatal/disabling injury among our children. This system-wide, cost-effective and sustainable approach to injury prevention will help protect our children and, over time, allow them to incorporate safety into their everyday lives.

GUWS resources have been developed in conjunction with education and injury prevention professionals. To ensure the program is able to continue to meet your needs, please visit the evaluation portion of this website to provide feedback.




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