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Road information.

Road info.-

Road conditions  

These pages provide you with information on road conditions on Québec’s autoroutes and highways south of the 49th parallel. Québec roads in James Bay territory (Nord-du-Québec region) are under the responsibility of the James Bay Native Development Corporation (in French).

Road conditions are colour-coded and associated with advice on road safety. A road condition is a combination of a visibility condition and a road surface condition. You’ll also find definitions of the terms used to describe road conditions. The information on road conditions is updated as often as required and is presented by region, by road and for all regions. You can also consult a java map for road conditions.

Also provided is a list (in French) of points on the road network in the Montréal region affected by road closures and traffic obstructions due to snow removal operations.

Source of information

The network covered by the road conditions information service is divided into 325 sections. For each section, the department has assigned a person to observe road conditions and send them to one of 9 road condition centres at least twice daily (very early in the morning and in the afternoon) and each time changes occur. The data are then entered at each of the 11 road condition centres and transmitted throughout our computer system. The system changes, within a maximum of 3 minutes, the messages on the Internet road condition pages. The data are also sent regularly to the media and to MétéoMédia and Vidéoway, which broadcast a bulletin on road conditions twice every hour.

Roads covered

For obvious organizational reasons and to be able to provide high quality, up-to-date information, we had to limit the number of roads about which information is provided. We decided to cover through roads, since the road conditions information service is used mainly by people travelling outside their region. In addition, in the case of two parallel roads, we provide information only on the most frequently used road. In such a case, it is generally possible to deduce conditions on the other road.


Information on road conditions are posted in a continuous manner from November 8 of each year to March 31 of the following year. Outside this period, that is to say between October 15 and November 7 and between April 1 and May 15, posting of road conditions vary from one road condition center to another and according to specific regional weather conditions. Thus, during these so-called pre and post-seasons, the description of road conditions and visibility may be replaced by the Out of season message, except in the event of precipitation, in which case posting of road conditions is mandatory and remains so until conditions are back to normal, at which time the Out of season message is posted again.

Colour codes
Condition Road conditions and visibility
Good : Be careful! Good Clear road
Good or reduced visibility
Fair: Do not be caught off guard!  Allow extra time! Fair Clear road
Zero visibility in places

Snow patches or Ice patches
Good, reduced or zero visibility in places

Partly snow-covered or Partly ice covered
Good, reduced visibility or zero visibility in places

Snow-covered road
Good or reduced visibility

Critical : Delay your trip!Critical Icy road
Good or reduced visibility

Snow-covered road
Zero visibility in places or zero visibility

Partly snow-covered or Partly ice covered
Zero visibility

Snow patches or Ice patches
Zero visibility

Clear road
Zero visibility

Sorry! Road closed. Closed Road closed
Coming soon. Coming soon
Out of season. Out of season
Heavy trucks prohibited on the road. Heavy trucks prohibited on the road
Definitions of road conditions and visibility
Good : Be careful! Clear road
All traffic lanes are free of snow and ice except for limited traces that may, in particular, cover road markings.
Clear road.
Fair: Do not be caught off guard!  Allow extra time! Snow patches or Ice patches
In isolated spots one or more traffic lanes are partly or completely covered with snow or ice likely to catch motorists off guard.
Snow patches or Ice patches.
Fair: Do not be caught off guard!  Allow extra time! Partly snow-covered road or Partly ice covered road
Snow or ice partly covers one or more traffic lanes but the pavement is clear almost everywhere in at least one wheel path.
Partly snow-covered road or partly ice covered road.
Fair: Do not be caught off guard!  Allow extra time! Snow-covered road
Snow covers all traffic lanes on a significant part of the road.
Snow-covered road.
Critical : Delay your trip! Icy road
Ice covers all traffic lanes on a significant part of the road.
Icy road.
Good : Be careful! Good visibility
Visibility over 500 metres.
Good visibility.
Good : Be careful! Reduced visibility
At specific points or along a major portion of your travel route, visibility ranges from 100 to 500 metres.
Reduced visibility.
Fair: Do not be caught off guard!  Allow extra time! Zero visibility in places 
At unexpected points, atmospheric conditions likely to catch you off guard reduce visibility to less than 100 metres.
Zero visibility in places.
Critical : Delay your trip! Zero visibility 
Along a major portion of your travel route, visibility is less than 100 metres.
Zero visibility.

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Last modification of this page: 2006-10-19
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