Frequently Asked Questions for Teachers

What qualifications do I need to be eligible to teach in Ontario?

To be considered for employment as an elementary or secondary school teacher in a publicly-funded Ontario school, you must have a permanent or Interim Certificate of Qualification. The Ontario College of Teachers issues these certificates to qualified members. Requirements to teach at colleges, universities, and other postsecondary institutions are set by each institution. You do not need a Certificate of Qualification to teach at a postsecondary institution.

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How do I apply for a teaching position in Ontario?

Please see the Teacher Employment Information page for details.

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How do I apply for certification to teach in Ontario? (for applicants who hold certification in other provinces or countries)

Visit the Ontario College of Teachers for information on evaluation and certification procedures.

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If you still require additional information or need other personal assistance, please continue to the comment or inquiry form to submit an e-mail message. Note that the ministry's objective is to answer all e-mail inquiries within 15 business days. Most inquiries, however, are answered in less time.