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Hi, I'm Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario. Welcome to my website and thanks for dropping by.

I've often said that here in Ontario we work best when we work together. This site is about creating a new opportunity for us to exchange views on an ongoing basis. I get to tell you about some of the things we're up to and you can tell me what's on your mind. Read more


Youth Challenge Fund Announces $3.5 Million To Support Neighbourhood Programs For At-Risk Youth

December 14, TORONTO — Toronto's Youth Challenge Fund (YCF) took an important step forward today by announcing a total of $3.5 million in its first round of investments for youth-based projects across Toronto. Watch the video Video: Youth Challenge Fund Announces $3.5 Million To Support Neighbourhood Programs For At-Risk Youth


Video JournalVideo Journal

Video Journal Look behind the headlines to hear what I have to say about today's important issues.  

Meet DaltonMeet Dalton

Meet Dalton Get to know Dalton.  

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Life EventsLife Events

Life Events Driver's licences, birth certificates and other services.  

Our PrioritiesOur Priorities

Our Priorities Available in 17 different languages.  

Your ThoughtsYour Thoughts

Your Thoughts Share your views, opinions and questions.  

Fairness - It's time for fairness for all Canadians