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Following the de-listing of Parmalat S.p.A. from the Italian Stock Exchange, we are pleased to confirm that we have moved to adopt the business namei and corporate identity of Lactalis Canada, part of Groupe Lactalis.

We plan to do this transition in the most environmentally friendly ways as possible. This means that we will not change our packaging and other assets until we clear out our entire current inventory.

The Parmalat name is still used in other countries and will continue to exist. It remains an important brand in Groupe Lactalis’ portfolio.

Our consumers trust is of utmost importance to us and as the Nation’s Favourites, we continue to provide healthy and nutritious products for the whole family.

i The Corporation’s legal name remains “Parmalat Canada Inc.” at this time.

Our Story

Nearly 140 years of bringing the best to Canadian families.

From milk and cheese, to yogourt and butter, Lactalis Canada makes a lot of the foods many Canadians already enjoy. And while our roots are in dairy, our wide variety of products are crafted with quality, taste, and you in mind.


Our Story

Over 120 years of bringing the best to Canadian families.

From milk and cheese, to yogurt and butter, Lactalis Canada makes a lot of the foods many Canadians already enjoy. And while our roots are in dairy, our wide variety of products are crafted with quality, taste, and you in mind.


Healthy Living Icon HEALTHY LIVING


Lactalis Canada is committed to the health and wellness of all Canadians, whether by providing high-quality, nutritious food products to consumers, or by improving the lives of Canadians through our support of Kids Help Phone, The Grocery Foundation, Toonies for Tummies and various other local community initiatives.

Lactalis Canada is proud to be a Founding Sponsor of Kids Help Phone.

Kids Help Phone provides immediate anonymous and confidential support, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on issues such as abuse, neglect, family relationships, health, loneliness and depression. Staffed by trained professionals with backgrounds including social work, psychology, sociology, and child and youth services, Kids Help Phone helped Canadian kids in need more than 1.5 million times last year. Thanks to the Kids Help Phone number on Lactalis Canada products, Canadian children can find out that help is only a phone call, text or a click away.

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