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Canadian Police Research Centre

Canadian Responder Equipment Advisory Board Workshop 3 Nov 2007 Calgary

Upcoming Events::
CITIG - Interoperability

Making Canadian Police and Public Safety Provider Interoperability a Priority

The Informatics Committee of the Canadian Association of the Chiefs of Police (CACP) in conjunction with Canadian Police Research Centre (CPRC) is pleased to announce a new initiative that aims to improve interoperability between and amongst Canadian police agencies and public safety service providers.

A group dedicated to furthering Canadian interoperability was founded earlier this year to bring together representatives from public safety, industry, academia, government and non-governmental organizations to help shape the direction of research and development activities related to interoperability amongst Canadian public safety providers. Known as the Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group (CITIG), an important part of the group's work involves identifying and funding interoperability research. In that regard, a call for proposed areas of research and/or development is now open.

CACP members, as well as any public sector employees of a Canadian public safety sector agency, are invited to submit a proposal. The current call for projects closes October 31, 2007. The simple two-page application form, as well as details about the funding eligibility and criteria, can be found on the CITIG Web site at .

Any inquiries can be sent to

Posted By Site Admin on 2007-09-13 12:15:35.0 | Upcoming Events
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Upcoming Events::
Defence Security Innovation 2007

Defence Security Innovation 2007 makes you discover the defence and security challenges of diverse countries !

The first conference day of Defence Security Innovation 2007 will take place under the theme DEFENCE AND SECURITY: ALLIES FACING NATIONAL ISSUES.

You will have the chance to discover the defence and security cooperation perspectives of the French, the British, the American and the Canadian governments.

All that, not to mention the opportunity to attend to more than 60 conferences and discuss with renowned defence and security experts.

For more information

Posted By Site Admin on 2007-05-18 02:56:58.0 | Upcoming Events
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General Announcements::
2007 Federal Budget

Harnessing Knowledge to Strengthen Public Safety

Police forces serve an important role in providing a safe public environment for all Canadians. To meet the challenges they face each day in communities across Canada, our police personnel require the latest knowledge and the best tools and technologies.

The Canadian Police Research Centre (CPRC) plays a valuable role in supporting science and technology in policing and public safety across Canada through research, development of standards, and product evaluation. To build on this success, Budget 2007 will provide $10 million over the next two years to Public Safety Canada to expand CPRCs activities and establish its base in Regina.

Posted By Site Admin on 2007-03-21 11:43:27.0 | General Announcements
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Last 5 Articles

   CREAB Workshops Nov 3, Dec 6

   CTI-First Responders Conference

   $10 Million for CPRC

   CITIG - Interoperability

   Defence Security Innovation 2007