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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

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The Commissioner of Competition and Bureau staff deliver speeches on a wide range of topics related to the Bureau's mandate, including legislative changes, advocacy, enforcement issues such as abuse of dominance and mergers, competition policy and developments on the international competition scene.


Documents 1 - 10 of 20 matches for 2006.

October 25, 2006 - Sheridan Scott
Commissionner of Competition
Conference Panel: UCLA Law Second Annual Institute on US, EU, and Canadian Antitrust Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions

October 03, 2006 - Sheridan Scott
Commissioner of Competition
Criminal Enforcement of Anti-Trust Laws -The U.S. Model - A Canadian Perspective

September 29, 2006 - Sheridan Scott
Commissioner of Competition
Antitrust in the Self-regulated Professions: an International Perspective

September 28, 2006 - Sheridan Scott
Commissioner of Competition
Canadian Bar Association Annual Fall Conference on Competition Law

September 28, 2006 - Denyse MacKenzie
Senior Deputy Commissioner
The Bureau's Immunity Program: Fine Tuning or Overhaul

September 22, 2006 - Sheridan Scott
Commissioner of Competition
Abuse of Dominance Under the Competition Act

July 17, 2006 - Sheridan Scott
Commissioner of Competition
Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law: Getting the balance "just right"

June 02, 2006 - Suzanne Legault
Deputy Commissioner of Competition
Market Studies: A Contextual Overview

May 26, 2006 - Sheridan Scott
Commissioner of Competition
Competition Bureau Priorities

May 26, 2006 - Chris Martin
Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Competition
Report From Cape Town - The Fifth Annual ICN Conference

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