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Challenging cyber bullying 
Discusses the issue of on-line bullying among children and youth, and how some forms of bullying may be considered criminal acts. Suggests ways for parents, schools and youth to take action.
Source: Media Awareness Network
Suicide information 
Provides information on suicidal behaviour, suicidal crises, and suicide prevention. Dispels some common myths about suicide. Offers tips on how people can recognize and help a suicidal individual. Includes a 'Suicide - myths and realities' self-quiz.
Source: NEED Crisis and Information Line
Youth and suicide 
Clarifies some myths about suicide. Provides information on recognizing the warning signs of a suicidal young person and offers strategies and tips on how to support suicidal youth.
Source: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
Discusses suicide. Includes information about teen suicide and suicide among the elderly.
Source: Fondation des maladies mentales
Featuring suicide in the media: avoiding contagion - promoting help  PDF
Discusses the need for caution in media coverage of suicide. Reviews the evidence on the effects of media reporting on suicide. Offers guidelines to the media about how to report suicide in a healthy way that avoids romanticizing the topic and leading to suicide contagion. Link requires PDF reader.
Source: Centre for Suicide Prevention
Music and suicide  PDF
Examines the belief that there is a direct link between listening to heavy metal music and adolescent suicide. Reviews and quotes fifteen recent studies. Link requires PDF reader.
Source: Centre for Suicide Prevention
From: SIEC alert
Children and suicide  PDF
Discusses incidence of child suicide, motivation for suicidal behaviours, risk factors for child suicide, and strategies for preventing child suicide. Link requires PDF reader.
Source: Centre for Suicide Prevention
From: SIEC alert
Coping with strong feelings: suicide ideation 
Promotes a toll-free telephone line for youth who want to talk about feeling lonely, depressed, or suicidal. Offers tips for parents on common warning signs of suicide and what to do if someone is at risk for suicide.
Source: Kids Help Phone
Understanding suicide better 
Provides information on suicide and suicidal behaviour. Gives tips on how to recognize signals of suicide and how to respond.
Source: Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of British Columbia
Centre for research and intervention on suicide and euthanasia 
Researches suicide and euthanasia with a multi-disciplinary team from Quebec. Seeks to lower the suicide rate and its destructive behaviours.
Source: Centre for research and intervention on suicide and euthanasia (CRISE)
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