Welcome to Distress and Crisis Ontario

Distress Centres (DC’s) across Ontario offer support and a variety of services to their communities.  At a DC you can find a listening ear for lonely, depressed, and/or suicidal people, usually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Many centres also have Suicide Survivor programs, support services for youth, telephone call out programs for seniors and vulnerable people, mental health Crisis Lines services and much more.

Distress Centres provide their listening and referral services primarily through highly trained and committed volunteers.  The staffs of Distress Centres are knowledgeable individuals who insure the highest levels of support to the individuals in their communities and innovation in service provision.


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Members receive monthly copies of e News + Views, the electronic newsletter, and discounts on Educational Forums – The Partnership Toolkit registration fees. Annual statistics, information sheets and other fact based presentations are available to members free of cost.

Read about the various membership categories available, the various extra benefits and select the category that applies to you or your organization.

Thank you to our major funders