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Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security
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Aboriginal Justice Initiatives Unit
Solicitor General and Public Security

Bronwyn Shoush - Director
Phone: (780) 422 2779
Fax: (780) 427 4670

The Aboriginal Justice Initiatives Unit (AJIU) provides support and strategic advice on Aboriginal justice issues to the deputy ministers and executive committees of Alberta Justice and Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security. This includes work on the cross-ministry Aboriginal Policy Initiative, and the Alberta government's goal that, "The well-being and self-reliance of aboriginal people will be comparable with that of other Albertans."

The AJIU liaises with First Nations and Métis authorities, and other key stakeholders, to encourage aboriginal justice initiatives promoting safe communities, good relations between neighbours, and a better understanding of the justice system.

Subject index topics:
Aboriginal justice

Aboriginal Justice Programs and Initiatives Summary 2003
April 01, 2003

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