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Crime Prevention Funding Programs

The Ministère de la Sécurité publique is responsible for three crime prevention funding sources:

In order to appropriately manage crime prevention funding programs, the Department established an interdepartmental committee on crime prevention comprised of the ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, the ministère de la Santé et Services sociaux, de la Famille, des Aînés et de la Condition féminine, the ministère de la Justice, the Secrétariat à l'action communautaire autonome du Québec and the Secrétariat aux affaires autochnones du Québec.

Funding Program Stemming from the Sharing of Proceeds of Crime

In March 1999, the Conseil des ministres issued the Order in Council 349-99 (in French) on the sharing of proceeds of crime under the Act respecting the ministère de la Justice. This Order in Council gives the Department the responsibility to determine the eligibility of a community organization for a Funding Program Stemming from Sharing of Proceeds of Crime and the amount of the grant it could receive, by recommendation of a committee of representatives from the Department and the Secrétariat à l'action communautaire du Québec.

The IBC/MSP Funding Program

Since more than 10 years, the joint funding program of the Insurance Bureau of Canada and the Ministère has consisted of equal subsidies for specific crime prevention projects according to specific problems (vandalism, breaking and entering into places of residence). A special feature of this program is its focus on situational prevention rather than on social development, as is the case with other MSP crime prevention funding programs.

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Programs Ensuing From the Federal-Provincial Agreement

The National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) is responsible for the National Crime Prevention Strategy. In March 1999, the MSP signed an agreement with the federal government for the joint management of this strategy: the Community Mobilization Program (CMP), the Crime Prevention Partnership Program (CPPP), the Business Action Program (BAP) and the Crime Prevention Investment Fund (CPIF). The agreement expired on March 31, 2005 and the federal government should start exchanges with Quebec in ordre to conclude a new agreement.

Notwithstanding future negotiations and for the purpose of preserving the stability of joint management of the funding programs, the parties have agreed to maintain the current procedures of operation

In addition, since November 2005, there are two new funding programs replacing the above mentioned programs. They particularly aim the crime prevention by the social development and are intended mainly to children, to youth, to women and to autochtones.

There are two new programs specifically aimed at crime prevention through social development; these programs are intended primarily for children, youth, women and aboriginals:

Projects that have been accepted and analyzed will be presented to the Joint Management Committee (JMC), which is comprised of one representative from the NCPC, the Ministère de la Sécurité publique and the Québec crime prevention advisory committee (Conseil consultatif québécois en prévention de la criminalité). This Committee studies funding applications and submits its recommendations to Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.

The MSP may also call upon various agencies to prepare an information bank or policy instruments deemed necessary for crime prevention or for the purpose of implementing specific crime prevention projects or studies that are in line with government and departmental strategies and priorities endorsed by Québec.

A third funding program is available to enable front-line police, corrections and community agencies to set up a sustainable community-based network to prevent crime through projects that address specific social issues. For more information on the program, which is currently administered by the National Crime Prevention Centre, go to their website.
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2006-04-12 1:46 PM

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