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Crime prevention & restorative justice
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Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security is responsible for developing and promoting crime prevention programs and for advancing restorative justice initiatives. In meeting this responsibility, financial and other forms of support are provided to a variety of organizations (such as police, non-profit entities, Aboriginal based agencies and social service providers) to effectively address crime issues at the community level.

Much of the crime prevention and restorative justice work carried out by Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security, whether it is the development of new policies, new strategies or new programs, is done in partnership with our stakeholders.

The pages in this section showcase crime prevention and restorative justice programs. They also highlight a wide variety of crime prevention information for both community-minded organizations and for families and individuals. You will also find links to external websites that provide tips to help prevent you, your family, or your organization from becoming a victim of crime.



2006 | 2005

Minister Cenaiko to focus on traffic enforcement and public security technology during U.S. mission
October 12, 2006

Government provides $350,000 for restorative justice programs
October 03, 2006

Province provides $600,000 for crime prevention initiatives
July 04, 2006

Local groups benefit from $360,000 in restorative justice grants
June 19, 2006

Alberta communities to benefit from $560,000 boost to fight crime
May 18, 2006

Crime prevention advocates to be recognized
May 18, 2006

Wanted: Albertans committed to preventing crime
January 26, 2006


March is Alberta Fraud Awareness Month
Community events to promote ways to protect yourself from becoming a victim.
March 01, 2006 to March 31, 2006

Safe Streets, Safe Cities: Seeking Solutions
This annual conference will tackle chronic social problems afflicting urban society and propose workable, compassionate solutions to make cities safe.
April 04, 2006 to April 06, 2006


Alberta Children & Youth Initiative (ACYI) – Information Sharing
Organizations that provide support and care for children, youth and their families need to be able to share necessary information to provide effective services. To support this need, ACYI has developed information sharing guidelines and training sessions.

Alberta Jewellery Industry Crime Watch
Operated by the RCMP and Alberta jewellery industry, with start-up funding provided by Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security, the site provides information to help track stolen items and jewelry-related crime.

Government of Alberta "Don't Get Ripped Off" Campaign
This campaign was designed to raise public awareness about four key topics: Identity Theft; Renovation Fraud; Mortgage Fraud; and Internet Fraud.

Alberta Roundtable on Violence In and Around Licensed Premises
The Alberta Roundtable on Violence In and Around Licensed Premises brought together stakeholders, including: government, municipalities, police agencies, industry and municipal associations and liquor licensees to discuss the issue of liquor-related violence. This final report is based on the discussions and outcomes of the two roundtables.


Crime Prevention Newsletter - Approaching Crime Prevention 
October 01, 2006

Domestic Violence Handbook: for Police and Crown Prosecutors in Alberta
This handbook is a compilation of the research, best practices, and knowledge that experts in the area of family violence would agree are essential to effective response by the criminal justice system.
November 25, 2005

Crime Prevention Newsletter - Approaching Crime Prevention 
October 01, 2005

Crime Prevention Newsletter - Approaching Crime Prevention 
January 01, 2005

Crime Prevention Newsletter - Approaching Crime Prevention 
March 31, 2004

Crime Prevention poster 
Be part of the solution.
April 01, 2003

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