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  • How You Can Help

    There are many potential ways that you can help CWAV Society with it's work to prevent and help end violence against women in our community.

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  • Programs

    CWAV Society provides a range of programs designed to assist women in their response to physical, emotional or sexualized abuse and/ or violence from a current or past partner, family member or acquaintance.

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  • Be Informed

    CWAV Society believes information is one way individuals, families and communities can address issues of violence in our homes and communities.

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Recent Blog Posts

International Women's Day

Posted on Mar 07, 2017

Housecoats for the Holidays

Posted on Jan 18, 2017

A special thank you to Brandy Cox, Renata and a wonderful group of donors who collected, donated and put together amazing housecoat, pj's and gift bags for women staying at Somenos Transition House over the holidays.  Your generosity is appreciated!  Thank you!                    

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