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October 2007Getting involved to make a difference: stories from youth about volunteering
 Binge drinking and alcohol poisoning: straight talk for parents
 Get ready for winter … get vaccinated!
 People with disabilities - removing the barriers to health and wellbeing
 Breathing fire? Wood burning and your lungs
September 2007More than child's play
 Healthy living can prevent disease
August 2007Stress reduction through mindfulness meditation
 School anxiety! What you can do to help your child
 Online gambling: is addiction one click away?
 10 common myths about cancer
July 2007A picture of health
 5 key changes could prevent most drowning deaths in Canada
 Finding work after 50
 Thinking of having a baby?
June 2007Leave the car at home and try human power instead!
 Quit smoking – change your life!
 You can prevent a stroke!
 Stolen money and stolen health—older adults and financial abuse
May 2007Tai chi for health
 No health without mental health - Part 2
 Tools for life's emergencies
 No health without mental health - Part 1
April 2007Everything is connected
 There are many ways to be a parent
 The ABCs of common medical tests
 Canada's new food guide – choices and flexibility for everyone
March 2007Growing up, taking risks
 Creating community online
 Life after death: coping with bereavement
 Aboriginal Peoples can prevent colorectal cancer rates from rising
February 2007Love your heart. Make the right fat choices for healthy cholesterol levels
 A healthy workplace is good for your health!
 How being black and female affects your health
 Take care of your brain
January 2007The puck drops, the heart stops
 Surprise! Video games can actually get us moving
 This year, make a resolution to stay injury-free
 The high health cost of debt
 Prevent frostbite! - is Jack Frost nipping at your nose … and ears, fingers and toes?
December 2006Alone for the holidays
 Managing holiday stress
 Step away from the buffet! Keep your healthy eating resolutions this holiday season
 The importance of grandparents
November 2006CPR and survival: you are the strongest link
 Get the facts - then get your flu shot!
 Radon gas could be in your home
 The big risk of diabetes: heart disease
October 2006Preparing for your performance review at work
 Working and thriving with a disability: an interview with MP Steven Fletcher
 Fathers in the workplace
 Mental health at work – managing stress is essential!
September 2006Aboriginal children: the healing power of cultural identity
 Screening vs. early detection: different concepts, same goal
 Acne alert - it's not just for teens
 When snoring is no joke: thousands of Canadians have sleep apnea and don't know it
August 2006When a child has HIV: one parent's story
 Do you know what your blood pressure is? You should!
 Aboriginal Peoples: healing for a better future
 Women with heart disease: living a good life
July 2006Breaking down the barriers: helping newcomers to Canada have healthy lifestyles
 Want to feel healthier? Get connected to your community!
 Wellness is a state of mind and body - and spirit
June 2006Sexual health for lesbians: risks and realities
 Seniors during emergencies and disasters: vulnerable, yet resilient
 Chew on this! Seniors' oral health
 Time is brain
May 2006What makes people vulnerable to HIV infection?
 All-terrain vehicles: handle with care
 Teenage girls can be physically active ... and still be cool
 Staying on the job - aging workers are changing the workplace
April 2006New dads are more involved than ever before
 Protect yourself from the sun!
 Self-harm: pain from the inside out
March 2006The importance of handwashing for your health
 Your top questions on menopause answered!
 Make wise food choices, wherever you go!
 Violence against women: it's not only physical
February 2006Talking to kids about death - a fact of life
 Your kid can go to summer camp!
January 2006Be active for your mind and body - Part Two
 Learning to let go of negative feelings
 Blowing smoke: a drifting danger to your health
 Be active for your mind and body – Part One
December 2005Drivers: are you paying attention? Stay focused.
 Rural, remote and northern women - where you live matters to your health
 How climate change can affect our health… and what we can do
 Seniors and HIV/AIDS: it's time to start talking
November 2005The road to healing: stopping solvent abuse in Aboriginal communities
 Kids and daily medications: more than just a spoonful of sugar required!
 Parents be aware: sniffing kills!
 Get serious to prevent the complications of diabetes
 Happy people are healthier
October 2005Suffering in silence: stigma, mental illness and the workplace
 Tired of feeling tired?
 Bringing health to work
September 2005Hot water burns like fire
 Living with cancer: the power of support
 Bullying: coping with an age-old problem
August 2005Canada to host first international cancer control congress
 Keeping kids in school – Pathways to Education are pathways to health
 New rules of the road: keeping teens safe on the Internet information highway
 Not worth the risk ... fetal alcohol spectrum disorder—Part 2
 Water safety: make every day a drowning prevention day!
July 2005Volunteering helps others and boosts your own health at the same time
 Alcohol and your health: less is more when it comes to healthy living
 Why is change so hard?
 Talk to your teen – no tan is a safe tan!
 Why is change so hard? A structured approach to change can help
 Planning is key: vacationing for people with disabilities
 The changing face of nursing: a mother and daughter talk to the CHN
June 2005HIV and oral health —care and confidentiality—Part 2
 HIV and oral health — care and confidentiality
 Fathers and daughters - staying connected through the years
 Are you getting enough zzzz's?
 West Nile virus and you: preventing mosquito bites is the best protection
May 2005He stands on guard for thee
 Make massage part of your health routine
 Lose a little—gain a lot! Set your sights on a healthy weight
 Why aren't we more physically active? Let's get moving!
April 2005Learning can add years to your life – and life to your years
 Jet lag: feeling the health effects of long-distance travel
 Are you floss phobic? Flossing key to dental health
 Reduce your risk of cancer … starting today!
March 2005Seniors: breaking down the barriers to independence
 Hobbies offer more than just fun
 Preparing your daughter for her first pelvic exam
 You can manage your child's asthma
February 2005Indoor air quality: can the air in your house make your children sick?
 Healthy feet support a healthy body
 Be heart smart in the winter
January 2005The CHN interview - healthy lifestyle can reduce Alzheimer risk
 Beyond words - the health-literacy connection
 Getting in gear for winter sport safety
 Thinking of stopping smoking? What you need to know to help you quit … for good
December 2004Take time to breathe... try yoga
 Violence against women: what women in abusive relationships and others can do
 High school: on the frontline of mental health
November 2004Boosting the case for car booster seats!
 Healthy hearts and healthy communities
 Prevent type 2 diabetes? Yes, you can.
 Preventing the silent disease: COPD on the rise in women
October 2004Getting serious about the flu - What you can do to prevent it
 Understanding teenagers' sleep habits
 A parent's guide to kids and complementary health
 A parent's guide to kids and complementary health—Part 2
 Keeping your child's heart healthy
 Workplace health works!
September 2004Prostate cancer: living with the emotional and psychological side effects
 Post-secondary education … tips for adults with disabilities
 What you need to know about the glycemic index
 Why adults still matter to teenagers (even if they won't admit it)
 Family child care – siblings welcome!
August 2004West Nile and you: symptoms and treatment
 Behind the scenes at the Region of Waterloo Public Health Unit
 It's all about you! A teen's guide to talking about sex
 West Nile and you: parents' questions answered
July 2004West Nile and you: insect repellent
 Stepping up your physical activity: walking to improve your health
 Water safety starts with you!
 Pets and our health - why they are so good for us!
June 2004Why public health matters … no matter where you live
 Travelling overseas this summer?
 Protect yourself from mosquito bites
 Savour the tastes of summer! Seniors share healthy eating tips
May 2004The eyes have it
 Mysteries of the office solved
 Health research initiative gets 'Canada on the Move'
 Community gardens: growing more than vegetables
April 2004Keep them updated! Why immunizations are so important
 Healthy spring cleaning... beyond the broom
 Healthy mouth, healthy body
 Reducing your risk for cancer: seven steps to health
March 2004Healthy body image, healthy girls
 Yes ma'am, I can run a marathon
 Lunch matters for students
 Women's health: reading between the lines
February 2004Heart health for life
 The truth about men's health
 Healthy fathers—Canadian men talk about the rewards and challenges of being 'Dad'
 Men's mental health: a silent crisis
 More common than you think ... what parents need to know about bedwetting
January 2004Does it belong in your grocery cart? The new food labels can help
 Hot water burns like fire
 The SAD season
 Healthy resolution for 2005: take the stairs!
 Wash your fruits and veggies!
 Paying off holiday debt
 Looking back, looking forward: 20 years of international conferences on HIV/AIDS
December 2003Revenge of the turkeys
 Celebrating our cultural diversity
 Be a responsible host during the holidays
 Offending foods: allergies or intolerance
 Everyone else is using them ... why not me? The truth about anabolic steroids
November 2003Reaching out to prevent suicide can save lives
 A few myths and realities about dairy products
 Sounding the alarm on type 2 diabetes - how we can prevent it
 Scratching your head for solutions to lice?
October 2003Getting a good start in the workplace
 Public libraries: There's lots going on at your local branch
 Babies' mental health: first connections matter for life
 Time for a change
September 2003Learning through life: adults go back to school
 Hitting doesn't work: a parent's guide to positive discipline
 Oh, my aching backpack!
 Homework clubs: partnerships for learning
August 2003Canadian families ... what do we look like?
July 2003I care, do you?
 Preventing substance use problems among young people
 Enjoy a safe summer!
 Getting ready for flu season
 Be a responsible host during the holidays
 Make sense of the food you eat
 Meeting the challenges of winter weather
 Recovering from post holiday season stress
 Seniors & drugs
 How healthy are Canada's communities?
 Men's health: a new frontier
 Menopause without hormone therapy
June 2003Gardening for your health
May 2003Marijuana, is it safe? (part 1)
 Marijuana, is it safe? Part 2
 Not worth the risk... fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
 People with disabilities - putting people first is the key to good communication
March 2003How Canadians find health information on the Internet
 Gambling is growing, and so are the problems
February 2003Eating disorders and depression: a story of survival
 Just in time for Valentine's Day: find out what's new in sexual health
January 2003Prevention pays - "making the case" with dollars & sense
 Children especially vulnerable to the effects of second-hand smoke

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