Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
   Victims Services
Victims Services Program

What is the Victims Services Program?

The Victims Services Program helps victims involved in the criminal justice system in Saskatchewan by providing programs and services. The legislative basis for the Program is The Victims of Crime Act, 1995.

Who is a victim?

A victim is a person who has suffered harm such as:

  • physical or mental injury;
  • emotional suffering; or
  • economic loss;

from an act that is in violation of criminal laws.

I am a victim of a criminal offence. Where can I go for help?

Go to your local police. They will put you in contact with victims services if there is a program in your area.

In Prince Albert, Saskatoon and Regina, there are also specialized community-based programs for specific needs.

How is the Victims Services Program funded?

The Victims Services Program is funded solely through provincial and federal surcharge revenue. Offenders pay a surcharge over and above any other punishment imposed upon them. A provincial surcharge is imposed automatically on all provincial offences, except for parking offences.

What about federal offences?

A federal surcharge may be imposed, at the judge’s discretion, on any offences contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.