Consumer Protection
Strong Ontario
Charity Scams
At a time when the need for charitable giving is so great, it's important to make sure the dollars you give don't end up in the pockets of fraud artists. The wise course is to give only to established charities or groups you're familiar with.


Avoid getting scammed by following these tips:

  • If you want to donate to a worthwhile charity, give to one you know or find out about it before you part with your money.
  • Do not pay in cash.
  • Ask for a copy of the charity's annual report and some information in writing before making a donation.
  • Be wary of any situation that involves the use of high-pressure tactics.

For a list of Canadian registered charities, including the annual information, please visit Canada Revenue Agency's website.


Contact the Consumer Services Bureau

We answer telephone inquiries and mediate written complaints between consumers and businesses.

Enforcement News 

Read about convictions under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002.


Collection agencies are the most common consumer complaint at the Ministry of Government Services. You are protected under the law when you deal with a collection agency, and a few precautions can eliminate common complaints. Learn more...