Maple Leaf


File a Complaint

How to File


Trends and Statistics


Important LINKS

Welcome to RECOL

Reporting Economic Crime Online (RECOL) is an initiative that involves an integrated partnership between International, Federal and Provincial Law Enforcement agencies, as well as, with regulators and private commercial organizations that have a legitimate investigative interest in receiving a copy of complaints of economic crime.

USER CONTROLLED CONSENT is required to direct fraud complaints to the appropriate law enforcement and regulatory agencies.

RECOL will recommend the appropriate law enforcement or regulatory agency and/or private commercial organization for potential investigation.

RECOL provides real time data pertaining to the current fraud trends. It also provides support for education, prevention and awareness of economic crime.

Privacy of all data entered by a user is protected and can only be assessed by the user who actually entered in the original complaint data. All members involved in the RECOL initiative provide oversight to ensure privacy of content and that the information is only used to assist in the investigation of economic crime complaints

This service is administered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and other participating agencies.

File a Complaint
RCMP Crest 
For more information use on-line help or call 1.888.495.8501