Manitoba Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat

Protect Yourself

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Home Renovation Scams
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Charity Scams
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Telemarketing/Prize Scams
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Important Phone Numbers


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Before you open the door.....

Protect Yourself
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Consumers' Bureau
Toll-free: 1-800-782-0067
(204) 945-3800 (Winnipeg)


Manitoba Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat
Toll-free: 1-800-665-6565
(204) 945-6565 (Winnipeg)


Check local listing

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Seniors Abuse Line
Toll-free: 1-888-896-7183
(204) 945-1884 (Winnipeg)



Protect YourselfFROM HOME RENOVATION SCAMSup1.jpg (882 bytes)

Check out home improvement offers before giving a deposit or signing a contract:

  • Call the Consumers' Bureau to find out if the seller is licensed.   Call toll-free 1-800-782-0067 or 945-3800 in Winnipeg.

  • Shop around.  Get at least three estimates.

  • Review the contract.  Look for an itemized list of work and materials, start and finish dates, and deposit requests.

  • Ask for local references and check them out.

  • Say NO right away to high-pressure appeals.

Remember: Reputable companies will be happy to give you time to think before signing.



Protect YourselfFROM BURGLARSup1.jpg (882 bytes)

Many homes are broken into because doors and windows were left unlocked.  Remember to:

  • Lock your doors and windows, even if you are just working in your garden or stepping out for a short time.

  • Identify your valuables.  (Contact your local RCMP detachment for more safety tips.)

  • Store valuables in a safe place out of sight from doorways and windows.

  • Let trusted neighbours know when you are away.

Remember: Unlocked doors and windows are an open invitation to burglars.



Protect YourselfFROM CHARITY SCAMSup1.jpg (882 bytes)

Is someone at your door or on the phone trying to convince you to donate to a charity?   Before you give:

  • Check with the Consumers' Bureau to find out if the charity is authorized to solicit funds by calling toll-free 1-800-782-0067 or 945-3800 in Winnipeg.

  • Do not give cash donations.  If you want to donate, write a cheque payable to the charity.

  • If someone is selling something on behalf of a charity, ask how much of the purchase price of the product actually goes towards the charity.

  • Say NO right away to high-pressure appeals.

Remember: Reputable charities and fund-raisers will give you time to think about making a donation.



Protect YourselfFROM TELEMARKETING/PRIZE SCAMSup1.jpg (882 bytes)

Congratulations!  You've won the grand prize.....but you don't remember even entering the contest! When in doubt, check with the Consumers' Bureau by calling toll free 1-800-782-0067 or 945-3800 in Winnipeg. Be on the lookout for other "too good to be true" offers like these:

  • You're offered a once-in-a-lifetime investment that offers a huge return.

  • You're told you're a winner, and all you have to do is pay for delivery, processing, taxes, duties or some other fee to receive the prize.

Remember: Never give out credit card, bank account or other personal information over the telephone, unless you have initiated the call. Even then, know who's on the other end of the line.


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