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Leading and Partnering in our Community to Serve and Protect. © 2005 Halifax Regional Police
Fraud Prevention


Fraud occurs when a victim is tricked or otherwise induced into willingly parting with their property by an approach that involves deception.

What is Fraud?

Common forms of fraud include mail and telemarketing schemes, door-to-door solicitation, personal fraud and identity theft. Everyone must take precautions to protect themselves against fraud.

Fraud by Mail, Internet or Telemarketing

Fraudulent mail and telemarketers will try to convince you to send cash or pay using a credit card for products that will either never arrive or are different from what you expected. Remember, you should never have to send money in advance to recover lost money or receive an award. You should never have to make a phone call to a "809" or "900" number to receive a prize.

Tips to Remember

  • Never give your credit card number over the phone if you have not initiated the call
  • Be prepared to say no
  • Hang up if you're not sure

Door-to-Door Solicitation

Door-to-door solicitation is a common occurrence, but you must recognize it is a common approach used by some of the best con artists. To protect yourself from financial loss, it is important to recognize you may be dealing with a con artist if the person at your door:

  • Offers a free inspection (chimney, room, etc.)
  • Uses pressure tactics such as limited time offers
  • Has a preference for cash and/or no contract

To protect yourself consider posting a "no solicitors or peddlers" sign.

If you do speak to a door-to-door salesperson, remember the following:


  • Get their name and company information
  • Obtain 2 or 3 written estimates before signing a contract
  • If in doubt, seek advice from family, friends or police


  • Be rushed or pressured
  • Give them a credit card number
  • Pay for work in advance

Personal Fraud or Identity Theft

Personal fraud can occur when a dishonest person obtains your personal or credit card information and uses it to make purchases or obtain cash. Some of the worst cases of personal fraud are identity theft. Identity theft occurs when a dishonest person uses your personal information to open a bank account, obtain credit cards or otherwise take advantage of your credit rating. Any type of personal fraud can ruin your credit rating. To reduce the chances of becoming a victim of personal fraud:


  • Be extremely careful before you give out any personal information.
  • Treat your social insurance card and birth certificate as you would any valuable and store it in a safe place.
  • Consider buying a shredder so you can shred your financial statements and personal information.
  • When making purchases online, ensure the site you are buying from is a secure site and a privacy policy is posted.
  • Carefully check your monthly statements for any unauthorized transactions.
  • Call your credit card company immediately if you have applied for a credit card and it hasn’t arrived or if your monthly credit card bill is late arriving.


  • Carry your social insurance card or birth certificate with you unless absolutely necessary.
  • Leave credit card receipts behind or throw out financial information without first destroying it.
  • Use your birth date or home address number for your pin number.


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