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Avian flu | What is it A-A
influenza pandemic

   » What is it    » How it is transmitted    » Those affected    » When    » Prevention    » Dead birds

Avian flu is a disease found in animals. It has been known to scientists for a long time and it generally only affects birds.

It is caused by several virus subtypes from the influenza A family. Each subtype has several strains whose ability to be transmitted and cause illness varies depending on the case. As a result, infected birds are sick to varying degrees depending on the virus strain. In some cases, the birds do not present any symptoms. In other cases, they are slightly ill or may sometimes die.

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In rare cases and under certain conditions, it can happen that a strain of the avian flu virus can also be transmitted to mammals, and therefore to humans. This is what occurred with a strain of the H5N1 virus that appeared in Asia in 1996. This strain is deadly for birds and it can be transmitted to humans under certain conditions. It is a concern, since it can be transmitted easily between wild birds and can decimate entire domestic fowl populations in a few days.

Over the last few months, this Asian strain of the H5N1 influenza virus has spread to Europe, the Middle East and Africa through migrating birds and legal and illegal business activities. In order to contain this outbreak (animal disease epidemic), the health authorities in several countries have had to cull millions of birds as well as tighten their biosafety measures and their importing and exporting regulations in order to avoid catastrophic economic consequences and serious food supply problems.

Currently, there is no avian influenza pandemic (international epidemic of a disease in humans). There have only been a few isolated case of zoonosis (animal disease occasionally contracted by humans), attributable to the avian virus.

To date (May 15, 2006), this strain of the virus has not been detected in the Americas.

For more information :

Public Health Agency of Canada

World Organisation for Animal Health