Pandemic Influenza (Flu)

Pandemic Influenza- Pandemic 101 and Planning for Business Continuity
(2341KB, PowerPoint) NEW

Here are some predictions about the impact a pandemic flu would have on Halton:

  • 300,000 people infected
  • 140,000 clinically ill
  • 60,000 outpatient visits
  • 1,200 hospitalizations
  • 400 deaths

(Based on a Halton population of 400,000)

Pandemic flu is a worldwide outbreak of influenza. Many governments and agencies, including Halton Region, are busy developing emergency plans for how they will respond to the impact of the next pandemic flu when it happens.

This web page provides useful information about pandemic flu, and links to various resources, including Halton Region’s Response Plan to Pandemic Flu (Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 175KB).

What is pandemic flu?

  • Pandemic flu is a worldwide outbreak of influenza.
  • It happens when a new, highly contagious strain of flu virus appears in people, spreads and causes the flu worldwide.
  • Pandemic flu seems to appear every 10 to 40 years.
  • In the 20th century we experienced three pandemics.
  • The Spanish flu of 1918 killed more than 20 million people worldwide. Since then, smaller pandemics have occurred in 1957 and 1968.
  • No one knows exactly when the next pandemic will happen but experts believe we are overdue.


What will the effect of pandemic flu be in Halton?

  • It is predicted up to 35% of the population could be affected over the course of the pandemic causing much disruption in the community.
  • Many people will be very ill in bed for many days or caring for family ill with the flu. Businesses will be impacted.
  • Health care services will be severely burdened. Emergency workers including police, fire, ambulance, and health care workers will be in high demand and many may also be ill themselves.


What is being done to reduce the impact of the next pandemic?

  • Health Canada has developed a Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan External Link that details how Canada needs to prepare for and respond to pandemic flu.
  • Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long Term Care has also developed an Influenza Pandemic Plan External Link based on international and national standards.
  • At the local level, Halton Region has developed a Pandemic Influenza Response Plan (Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 175KB) that will be reviewed and updated as new information becomes available.
  • Halton Region will also be educating and assisting municipalities, health care organizations, emergency services, and local businesses as they develop their own plans.


How is influenza (flu) spread?

  • Influenza is a severe respiratory illness caused by the flu virus.
  • It is spread easily from person to person through coughing, sneezing, or through contact with unwashed hands and contaminated surfaces such as phones, toys, and eating utensils.
  • Symptoms include fever, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches.
  • Previous flu vaccinations or infections do not provide lasting protection as the virus is constantly changing.


What can be done to avoid the flu and reduce the spread of infection?

  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water or use waterless hand sanitizers when hands are not visibly dirty.
  • Stay home if you are ill so that you don’t spread your germs.
  • Don’t share personal items like utensils, water bottles and towels.
  • Get your yearly flu vaccine. This will help protect against other circulating strains of flu.


Will there be a vaccine during the next pandemic?

  • During a pandemic, the new flu virus will be different from the flu viruses we have had in the past.
  • A new vaccine will have to be made once the new flu virus has been identified.
  • It will likely take at least four to six months to make a vaccine.


Pandemic Flu Planning Resources


Translated Resources


Infection Control Resources


Emergency Preparedness


Related Links


Last Updated - October 20, 2006

For more information please contact the Halton Region Health Department at:

E-mail: | Tel: 905-825-6000 

TTY: 905-827-9833 | Toll free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866)