The Pan American Health Organization
Promoting Health in the Americas

Health Surveillance & Disease Management — Communicable Diseases:  Acute Respiratory Infections - Anthrax - Antimicrobial Resistance - Campylobacter - Chagas - Cholera - Dengue - Diarrheal/Enteric Diseases - Emerging/Reemerging Diseases - InfluenzaAvian |  Pandemic |  Seasonal - Leishmaniasis - Leprosy - Malaria - Neglected Diseases - Parasitic Diseases - Rabies - Research - Salmonella - Shigella - Smallpox - Tuberculosis -
West Nile Virus  - Yellow Fever  - Health Analysis & Statistics - Noncommunicable Diseases - Veterinary Public Health

Pandemic Influenza
Seasonal Influenza
Influenza Archives

Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza

What's New |  Press & News |  Info for Journalists |  Travel Info |  Fact Sheets |  Frequently Asked Questions |  WHO |  Links | 
Updates |  Situation Reports |  Policy |  Guidelines |  Conferences & Meetings |  Food Safety |  Databases |  Virtual Libraries

What's New

Helping prevent avian influenza in Latin America and the Caribbean: FAO handbook offers guidance to small poultry farmers 

Creating a Communication Strategy for Avian/Pandemic Influenza 
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Communicable Disease Prevention and Control at PAHO: Aims, Strategies and Lines of Action 
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Press Releases & News

PAHO Today - August 2006 Edition 
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Agencies Join Forces to Inform and Educate on Avian Flu and Human Pandemic Risks in the Americas 
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PAHO Honors Volunteers on World Blood Donor Day 
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More Press & News » 

Helping Prevent Avian Influenza in Latin America and the Caribbean: FAO Handbook Offers Guidance to Small Poultry Farmers

WHO Tries to Allay Fears Over Bird Flu

Information for Journalists

Bird Flu: Communicating the Risk

WHO Handbook for Journalists: Influenza Pandemic

Travel Information

Travelers' Health 

International Travel and Health 

WHO recommendations relating to travellers coming from and going to countries experiencing outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza 

Fact Sheets

Communicable Disease Prevention and Control at PAHO: Aims, Strategies and Lines of Action 
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Health Surveillance and Disease Management at PAHO 
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Veterinary Public Health at PAHO 
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Healthy Food Markets 
WHO brochure

Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Poultry and in Humans: Food Safety Implications 

Avian Influenza A (H5N1) in Humans and in Poultry in Asia: Food Safety Considerations 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Avian Influenza Frequently Asked Questions 

Key Facts About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) and Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus 

Avian Influenza: Frequently Asked Questions (Weekly Epidemiological Record 80:44, pp. 377-384) 

More FAQs » 

Links to WHO & Other Sites

Influenza Page of the Secretariat of Health of Mexico 
Influenza page, SSA-México

GF-TADs: Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Diseases 

Avian Influenza Response 

More Related Sites » 

   WHO Avian Influenza Page

Latest Updates

WHO Avian Influenza Updates

WHO Public Health Mapping and GIS Map Library

OIE Update on Avian Influenza in Birds

FAO Animal Health Special Report (Avian Influenza)

Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED-mail) | español | português

Situation Reports

Situation Updates— Avian Influenza 

Policy Documents, Resolutions

Brasilia Declaration 

National Preparedness and Response Plan for an Influenza Pandemic (Mexico) 
Plan Nacional, SSA-México

Guidelines, Human Component (WHO)

General Guidelines
Diagnosis & Treatment
Food Safety
Infection Control
Vaccines & Antivirals
A Guide to Healthy Food Markets 

WHO Guidance on Public Health Measures in Countries Experiencing Their First Outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza 

WHO recommendations relating to travellers coming from and going to countries experiencing outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza 

More WHO Guidelines » 

Guidelines, Animal Component (FAO, OIE)

Press Release in English: Helping Prevent Avian Influenza in Latin America and the Caribbean: FAO Handbook Offers Guidance to Small Poultry Farmers
Guide in Spanish: Guide for the Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza in Small-Scale Poultry Farms in Latin America and the Caribbean   |   Full text

Global Strategy for the Progressive Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) (FAO)

Avian Influenza: Guidelines for Control of the Disease (OIE) | français

Conferences & Meetings

Creating a Communication Strategy for Avian/Pandemic Influenza 
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Hemispheric Conference on the Surveillance and Prevention of Avian Influenza (Brasília, Brazil, 30 November– 2 December 2005) 

Workshop on the Epidemiology and Surveillance of Influenza and Other Respiratory Diseases (Decatur, Georgia, USA, 9–13 May 2005) 
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More Conferences & Meetings » 

Regional Events Directory, Veterinary Public Health

Food Safety

A Guide to Healthy Food Markets 

Healthy Food Markets 
WHO brochure

Avian Influenza and Food Safety: Statement by Dr. LEE Jong-Wook, WHO Director-General 

More on Food Safety » 


SIEPI: Epidemiological database with regional prevalence data for the Americas, maintained by PAHO's Pan American Center for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (PANAFTOSA), which deals with zoonoses and food-safety issues.

FAOSTAT-Agriculture: Provides statistics on crops, livestock, irrigation, land use, fertilizer, pesticide consumption, and agricultural machinery. | español | français

PAHO Virtual Health Libraries (VHLs)

Portal Avian Influenza, Virtual Health Library (VHL) 

PANAFTOSA Virtual Health Library (VHS), Full Texts 

Virtual Library in Veterinary Public Health (VHL PANAFTOSA)