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Printer Friendly Version  Region of Durham - Health - Pandemic Influenza

Durham Region Pandemic Influenza Planning

Influenza is a serious respiratory illness caused by an influenza A or an influenza B virus. A pandemic is an outbreak that occurs worldwide, affecting a large number of people. A pandemic influenza happens when a new type of influenza virus develops that humans have no immunity against. All previous pandemic influenzas were caused by the influenza A viruses.

There have been three pandemics in the last century with the most severe being the 1918-19 Spanish Flu where 20 to 40 million deaths occurred worldwide. The other pandemics were less serious than the Spanish Flu, but still caused significant illness and deaths.

With the spread of the avian influenza virus H5N1 through Asian, African and European countries, the possibility for a pandemic to happen has increased. Many experts believe that a pandemic is certain to happen, but when it will happen is not known.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other international health agencies, including Health Canada, have recommended the development of pandemic plans to help reduce the impact of the next pandemic on the world’s population.

In 2002, Durham Region Health Department developed a pandemic influenza plan for the Region. This plan has been revised for 2006. The revised plan is designed to meet the needs of the community and reflect information outlined in current plans that have been developed by Health Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC).

This Web page will highlight developments in the Durham Region Health Department Pandemic Influenza Plan and will also provide links to provincial and national plans, related topics and Web sites, providing both in-depth and up-to-date information about the ongoing planning for a pandemic influenza.

Durham Region Pandemic Influenza Information

Infection Control Procedures

Other Pandemic Influenza Plans

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