Pandemic Influenza and Canada

How likely is it that pandemic influenza will spread to Canada?

The World Health Organization is on constant lookout for the first signs of a pandemic emerging so steps can be taken to try to contain it. However, with the numbers of people now flying all around the world, the chances of it reaching Canada are much increased since the last pandemic in 1968. Once an influenza pandemic affects other countries, it will almost certainly reach Canada.

How will it spread to Canada?

Most likely it will spread through people catching the infection in an affected part of the world and developing symptoms after arriving in Canada.

How will we know it has reached Canada?

Canada has a well-developed surveillance system and its own network of laboratories that refer unusual viruses to the National Microbiology Laboratory (located in Winnipeg) for precise identification. This will help us identify the pandemic strain as early as possible.

What will this mean for Canada?

Once in Canada, an influenza pandemic will spread across the country in a matter of weeks and may cause

In anticipation of such an occurrence, the Government of Canada has developed the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan. This recognizes the exceptional demands that are likely to be placed on the health system.

How long will the pandemic last in Canada?

Pandemic influenza will be widespread in Canada within about 10 weeks of its first arriving in the country and will last for about 2-3 months. There may be a second wave of infection a few weeks or months later. These times are estimates and may change as more information becomes available.

How likely am I to catch the strain of influenza?

You are more likely to catch it than ordinary influenza, because it spreads rapidly and very few people will have any immunity to it. Everyone will be at risk. Some groups of people may be more at risk than others, but every pandemic is different. Until the virus starts spreading, it is very difficult to predict who these groups might be.

With ordinary influenza those groups of people more likely to become seriously ill include

These may be different in an influenza pandemic.

What is the government doing to prepare for an influenza pandemic?

What contingency plans does Canada have for an influenza pandemic?

Canada was one of the first countries to have an influenza pandemic contingency plan in place. The plan provides the overall framework for an integrated nation-wide response, escalating as a pandemic threat increases and then as the pandemic evolves. Canada's plan, as well as Nova Scotia's, seeks to reduce the health impact of a pandemic and the possible disruption it may cause to essential services and people's daily lives. This will be through the best application of measures such as antiviral treatment and immunization (when this becomes available) and preparing the province and the district health authorities as well as possible.

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