What You Can Do

You can reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of getting or spreading influenza during a pandemic with these steps:

If you do catch influenza

This is both for your own health and to avoid spreading the illness to others.

More information will be given at the time of a pandemic through leaflets, websites, and the media. Such information will tell you how you can protect yourself and your family and what to do if you think you are infected. Some people will be recommended for treatment—more information will be given at the time.

Are there any other precautions people can take now?

Yes. What we already do now to reduce the impact of ordinary flu will help in a pandemic - simple measures such as hand washing, and staying home from work when sick. During a pandemic, more precautions would need to be taken such as limiting non-essential travel and discouraging mass gatherings of people.

How will we know what to do?

Watch for regular updates in the media and from your health authorities. These will tell you what is happening and what to do. People with mild to moderate symptoms will be advised to stay at home.

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